[Uni-verse] Articles and web-pages about the project

Torbjorn Johansson uni-verse@blender.org
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 17:43:14 +0100

Hi all

I reacted the same way as Peter Lunden. The outcome especially in the 
Swedish articles is much more focused on Verse and Eskil  then it is on 
Uni-Verse. I know that journalists twist things their way but I think 
press-releases in the future must be more carefully formulated to give the 
right impression of the project.

Uni-Verse is a great project that is aiming at using a communication 
protocol that connects different 3D sound and Graphics applications through 
plug-ins to an easy to use creative platform and it should be described 
like that

I was very impressed at the workshop by the gathered very competent people 
in the different fields, important to make Uni-Verse a successful project


Torbjorn J

>I realy feel very bad about that the publicity is so hard centered around 
>Eskil as a person and that it looks like it is his personal project in the 
>article.  Other people and institutions was not even mentioned. One reson 
>for this migth be the formulations in the press release. I demand that 
>we  handle the press contacts differently in the future.
>Best wishes,
>Gert Svensson wrote:
>>One result from the press meeting can be seen at 
>>It also appeared on the front page of  the IT-section in today's printed 
>>Ny Teknik is the major Swedish Science and Technology Newsletter.
>>Many web sites has also posted information see for example:
>>Please let us know if you have any local press coverage.
>>Best Regards
>>Uni-verse mailing list

Torbjorn Johansson
Studio director
Interactive Institute, Umea
Tools for Creativity studio
+4690-18 51 31
+4670-545 11 11 (cell)