[Uni-verse] Status report of Uni-Verse Acoustic Simulation Framwork (UVAS)

Peter Lundén plu at tii.se
Wed Dec 22 17:35:37 CET 2004

Dear colleagues,

The work with the framework for the acoustic simulation part of the Uni-Verse project has advanced quite allot. It has become much more complex than I thought was *necessary *from the beginning, but I feel now that we have a sound foundation to built on that gives us great flexibility to experiment with different solution of our problems and that can be used in different contexts. 

A first version of the framework is almost ready. The major part of the system is tested, documented and is running, only a few more days of work is needed to get the whole system in a runnable state. This will happen very soon after Xmas vacation. 

I which you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year,

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