[Uni-verse] Meeting at Blender Conefernce

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Sat Aug 28 20:13:53 CEST 2004


My suggestion is to first check on what we really want to meet for.  
Because we can do multiple sessions, there's room for smaller teams to  
meet on topics. Like issues for specific workpackages, or on coding  
Verse. Such sessions then can either be done on the thursday, outside  
of the conference, but even during the conference. Verse topics are  
supposed to be integrated in the conference anyway. :)

And for a PPC meeting: are sufficient workpackage leaders then  
available to have a 'valid' session?

Since we don't have the schedule for the conference ready yet, I can  
imagine it's hard to decide whether to attend or not. We revieved  
submissions last week, and it's very good! A first tentative schedule  
should be online tuesday.

I will mail this list links and a reminder wednesday, and then by the  
end of the week everyone can tell what days they'd prefer to be  
available. Based on that I can do a final scheduling.

For me it will be impossible to be available on uni-verse meetings for  
a full day thursday. But since both Angela as I have PPC experience,  
one of us at least can be there for 2-3 hours.


On Thursday, Aug 26, 2004, at 10:40 Europe/Amsterdam, Gert Svensson  

> At the PCC meeting on Monday it was discussed to have  a Uni-Verse  
> meeting  in connection with the
> Blender conference  
> http://www.blender3d.org/cms/Blender_Conference.52.0.html October  
> 22-24.
> I'm unfortunately at a conference October 25 so a possible day for the  
> meeting would be Thursday October 21.
> Ton was however a little bit hesitant about this day because he might  
> have take care of last minutes details for the Blender conference.
> There was also a discussion about how much time was needed.
> What is your opinion? Do we need a person to person meeting?
> Is October 21 possible for you?
> Best Regards
> Gert
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Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org  

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