[Uni-verse] Minutes from PCC meeting

Gert Svensson gert at pdc.kth.se
Thu Aug 26 09:11:47 CEST 2004

PCC Meeting notes, 2004-08-23

Attending: P. Becker, E. Brink, M. Hoffman, P. Lunden,
A. Plohman, T. Roosendaal, S. Schneider, M. Schlingmann,
E. Steenberg, and G. Svensson.

Minusplus not attending, problems w/ relocating office space.

1. Something about "Purple" added to agenda (Gert). Blender conf
   added to agenda (Ton).
2. The 6 month economic report, blocker for distributing rest of
   pre-payment, so hurry up  :) 
        No questions.
3. Consortium Logo
        Proposals due this meeting.
                Eskil: not enough time to work on logo :/
        Delayed for next meeting.
4. Progress reports from WP leaders
        Format/template questions. Gert: no template, e-mail fine.
        Schedule, how often? Gert: each quarter, short statement
        about progress.
	First report on Sep 1 2004? Seems accepted, given that there
        are no formal demands and that half a page e-mailed is an
        okay format. Gert: should mention what has been done so far,
        and include problems/deviations from the time and/or resource

        WP5 (Tools) progress was discussed.
        Fraunhofer working on PDA client, early version available
        end of year. Then OpenSG client, early version of which is
        estimated for middle/end of 2005.
        Eskil wants to see links to work in progress, good for PR
        and community purposes.

        Audio progress: Ludde has been tied up in other projects.
        Will work almost 100% on Uni-Verse from now, though. With
        Pontus. Early demo of audio culling for Jan 2005.

        Gert: will compile list from status reports as they are
        delievered to him.
5. Audio specs due Sep 2004!
        Ludde: delivered late Sep 2004.
6. Next IRL meeting
        Suggested: Blender conference. Dates? Angela: conf is Oct
	22-24, 2004 (Fri-Sat). Should meeting be before or after?
	BF only has the space for those dates. Ton is busy before.
        Gert: one day might be enough time. Ton suggests Thursday,
	Oct 21 reluctantly.
        Gert: decision over e-mail so everyone can participate in
	Ton wishes for a U-V meeting format that's different from
	"all partners in the same room all the time". Gert agreed.
7. Purple
        Development under way, although started "late" around month
	3/4 of project. Code is in CVS at blender.org. Ton wishes
	for presentation at BF conf, with Verse illustration/demo,
        including "some slides" of the Purple ideas.
8. Next online meeting
        Maybe not necessary before IRL  meeting at BF conf?
	Gert: next PCC @ conference.

Approved by Gert


[11:00] Peter Lundén joined.
[11:01] emil: hello
[11:01] Marcus:  hi
[11:01] Sascha Schneider left.
[11:02] emil: is gert frozen?
[11:02] Sascha Schneider joined.
[11:03] sschneid:  hi there
[11:03] ton roosendaal joined.
[11:03] ton:  marratech takes hours to start! :P
[11:04] Eskil Steenberg joined.
[11:04] ton:  so, everyone had nice holidays?
[11:04] Ludde:  I have problems with the audio, i restart
[11:04] Martin:  howdy
[11:04] emil: ludde: never mind audio
[11:04] eskilsteenberg:  sure it was great to see you at Siggraph.
[11:05] Marcus:  i'm still going to have  ;) 
[11:05] ton:  i suffered a week from jetlag
[11:05] ton:  going up and down to LA in a week isnt nice
[11:06] emil: the new marratech 4 UI is... different
[11:06] ton:  but; it's clear we'll need verse in blender next siggraph to kick everyones asses  :) 
[11:06] Gert:  I have recived some phone calls
[11:07] Martin:  from?
[11:07] Gert:  Lauri and Niklas have problems
[11:07] Gert:  Peter B is delayed
[11:07] ton:  oh. i thought from worried siggraph visitors!
[11:07] Gert:  Do we expect some more persons to join?
[11:08] eskilsteenberg:  Verse was very well reseved this Siggraph. Previusly, people have been asking what is useful for, but now everyone is tuned in to pipelining and colaboration, so verse looks very "in" right now
[11:08] ton:  ("I looked for a uni-verse booth 5 daus and didnt find one")
[11:08] ton:  blender foundation is already saving up for a booth next year
[11:08] Peter Becker joined.
[11:09] Gert:  Next year we may have something to show!
[11:09] ton:  or, the sig committee should come with great offer
[11:09] Angela Plohman joined.
[11:09] eskilsteenberg:  Ton: i hard you met frank black, cool. Some one told me he goy Uber rich form some start up.
[11:09] ton:  eskil; yep, i've advertised you with frank very well  :) 
[11:09] ton:  did he come to the bof?
[11:09] Gert:  Could emil take the notes in the abscence of Peter?
[11:10] emil: I see peter  :) 
[11:10] Peter Becker joined.
[11:10] Gert:  Peter could you take the notes as usual?
[11:10] eskilsteenberg:  Nop, the BOF was a disaster...
[11:11] ton:  so next year we need to show a network running blender gimp maya loqairou etc all collaborating
[11:11] Angela Plohman left.
[11:11] eskilsteenberg:  They didnt even book the room.
[11:11] Peter Becker left.
[11:11] Gert:  We are just starting but Lauri and Niklas have problems
[11:11] eskilsteenberg:  Yes we will rock the house next year.
[11:11] eskilsteenberg:  Im hoping to rock the house as early as next years Game developers conferance.
[11:11] ton:  CG industry seems to have survived crisis some
[11:12] ton:  but theyre still uncertain where to aim at
[11:12] Peter Becker left.
[11:12] Angela Plohman joined.
[11:12] eskilsteenberg:  Yes, but Siggraph was thin this year, fewer new stuff smaler floor.
[11:12] ton:  the cinepaint dude is also useful for us to use as a contact
[11:13] ton:  he can setup demo for movie studios for us
[11:13] Martin:  who is angela?
[11:13] ton:  angla = BF project manager
[11:13] Martin:  ahh
[11:13] ton:  she kicks my ass  ;) 
[11:13] angelaplohman:  hi everyone...
[11:13] Martin:  haha
[11:13] Martin:  hi
[11:13] Ludde:  hi
[11:13] Gert:  Hi Angela
[11:13] eskilsteenberg:  The cinepaint man just joined the verse-dev mailing list
[11:13] Marcus:  hi
[11:13] emil: hi Angela
[11:14] eskilsteenberg:  hi
[11:14] Gert:  I don't get any respons from Peter
[11:14] Martin:  ...
[11:14] Gert:  May I ask Emil again?
[11:14] emil: sure
[11:14] Marcus:  does he have the current marratech version?
[11:15] ton:  is anyone from here visiting IBC amsterdam btw?
[11:15] Ludde:  hi is in the next room, we can maybe share my laptop
[11:15] Martin:  im running the old an that works fine
[11:15] Marcus:  then thats not the problem  :) 
[11:15] Martin:  when is IBC amsterdam?
[11:15] Gert:  Could we start the meeting!
[11:15] Peter Becker joined.
[11:15] ton:  euh... around sept 10
[11:15] Martin:  peter!
[11:15] Gert:  Emil will take notes this time.
[11:16] ton:  hooray for emil!
[11:16] Gert:  Is there anthink you would like to add to the agenda?
[11:16] Martin:  !
[11:17] Martin:  looks fine
[11:17] Gert:  Maybe we could say a few words about "Purple" as an extra point?
[11:17] emil: I guess  :) 
[11:17] eskilsteenberg:  No, i would love to go there some day...
[11:18] Gert:  OK we have agreed on the agenda
[11:18] ton:  gert; is the blender conference part of agenda?
[11:18] ton:  like 'next meeting' or so?
[11:18] Gert:  I have sent out an email about the 6 month economic report
[11:19] Martin:  y
[11:19] Gert:  Is that OK or is there some question?
[11:19] sschneid:  yes we´ve got it
[11:19] eskilsteenberg:  Im sorry to find that the dead line for submissions have been passed for the Blender Conf.
[11:19] sschneid:  We´ve forwarded it to Volker. He will take care of it and contact you if there are questions directly
[11:19] Gert:  When we have recived this report the rest of the first prepayment will be sent out
[11:20] eskilsteenberg:  What kind of info do you need from me and emil about our talks?
[11:20] ton:  gert; can we add blenconf to agenda?
[11:20] Gert:  Sure
[11:21] ton:  okie
[11:21] Gert:  OK it seems to be no qesutions about the economic report
[11:22] Gert:  Has something happende with the logo? Last meeting is was decied to have a proposal for this meeting!
[11:23] Gert:  It seems that MinusPlus couldn't join today since they are relocating the office
[11:23] eskilsteenberg:  I have done nothing, I have had too mkuch to do whit siggraph verse, the mailing list and the new UV editor, sorry.
[11:23] Martin:  so... should we delay to next meeting?
[11:23] ton:  i'm fine with that
[11:23] Gert:  So what should we do? Skip the logo or try to next meeting?
[11:23] Martin:  next
[11:24] Ludde:  next
[11:24] ton:  next
[11:24] Marcus:  next
[11:24] Gert:  OK
[11:24] emil: luckily we have 36 months... hoping for nice logo on final reports  :) 
[11:24] Martin:   :) 
[11:24] Marcus:  *g*
[11:25] Gert:  Next point is the progress reports from WP leader
[11:25] Gert:  I haven't requested that yet but now it seems good to start that
[11:25] Martin:  ok
[11:25] sschneid:  Is there a template or a special format / lenght you prefer for that?
[11:26] angelaplohman:  please let us know the schedule - how often would you like these reports?
[11:26] Martin:  I am wp leader for wp5 (tools), however
[11:26] Gert:  It should be a short statement each quarter about the progress of the WP
[11:26] sschneid:  yes
[11:26] Martin:  I realized that i had to come up with this last friday
[11:26] Martin:  so i sent a very late mail on the list yesterday
[11:26] Martin:  did you get it?
[11:26] Ludde:  y
[11:27] emil: so, gert, there is no specific formalized format or template to follow?
[11:27] Gert:  I don't know if it would be to early to start with the first report Sept 1 ??
[11:27] Martin:  if everybody involved in the wp5 could sent me a status and plan I can compile this
[11:27] Martin:  but
[11:27] Marcus:  if its just a short statement this would be ok for us
[11:27] Gert:  No an email is just fine!
[11:27] Martin:  for today we could all give a status and expected "first deliverable"/demonstrator view
[11:28] Martin:  starting with wp5.1?
[11:28] emil: gert: okay *taking notes*
[11:28] Gert:  OK
[11:28] sschneid:  perhaps you should specify what exactly do you expect. Perhaps if it should be a formless summary on what we´ve done so far of about 1/2 Page there is absolut no problem to have it on 1st of september
[11:28] angelaplohman:  i agree
[11:29] sschneid:  but if you prefer more than that (special format, more pages) it could take some days longer of course
[11:29] Martin:  would be perfect, but also a small plan, for example i plan with WP5.4
[11:29] Gert:  What you have done so far. Any problems deviations from the time plan or resource plan
[11:29] Martin:  to have a first release in jan 2005, then iterations/releases every 3 month
[11:30] Martin:  but for today only status report (one lineers) and release plan
[11:30] Martin:  wp5.1 is modeller plug-in
[11:31] Martin:  status?
[11:31] emil: under way, but the project member doing the work is not present here
[11:31] Gert:  That work has started and a fisrt version of a Maya plugin will be finshed end of the month.
[11:31] eskilsteenberg:  Its going forward
[11:32] Martin:  so it will be able to be demonstrated the lat of september then?
[11:32] Martin:  nice
[11:32] ton:   :) 
[11:32] becker:  great
[11:32] Martin:  5.2 is scripting tool plugin
[11:32] emil: scripting tool plugin = Purple, these days. I hope
[11:32] ton:  thats the complex blender & purple thing yes
[11:33] Martin:  ok lets take than later when it appears in the agenda?
[11:33] emil: how did the word "plugin" end up there? makes 0 sense to me  :) 
[11:33] Martin:  5.3 is administrator tool
[11:33] ton:  as promised this year, hopefully at blenconf already, we have verse support in blender too
[11:33] Gert:  about the plugin we may
[11:33] Gert:  like to discuss if we should aim at a perfect Maya plug in
[11:34] ton:  and there's a new project submitted on our site just recently to hook up blender, verse and sql server
[11:34] Martin:  why not, it's not supposed to be finnished until april 2005
[11:34] ton:  will talk with E & E about that later
[11:34] Gert:  or write two instead Maya + 3DS Max with slightly limited functionality
[11:34] eskilsteenberg:  I have a new tool out, its an UV editor that is kind of great. I will release a new more final version in the comming days, Stay tuned to the verse-dev list.
[11:34] Martin:  what about administartor tools?
[11:35] Gert:  Eskil?
[11:35] eskilsteenberg:  We may aim for Maya and MAX, but we may also do something like a Renderman out put just because it is so easy.
[11:36] Martin:  nice
[11:36] Martin:  so what about administrator tools (wp5.3)?
[11:36] emil: um, you're kind of confusing your friendly note-taker now... are people giving the progress reports *here*? doesn't feel right
[11:36] Gert:  Could Eskil comments about admin tools?
[11:36] eskilsteenberg:  I dont know about that yet, I have planed to get the UV tool out ASAP and then Start working on verse R4. that will have security built in.
[11:37] Martin:  ok
[11:37] eskilsteenberg:  I would gues that "Connector" is a admin tool and it is out.
[11:37] Martin:  ok
[11:37] Martin:  about 5.4, thats me..
[11:37] Martin:  i sent you a mini version of my internal scheduele
[11:38] Martin:  main codebase (event handling etc) is finnished, but unstable
[11:38] eskilsteenberg:  My guess is that any security options in the server will be controled by tags and that can be done in connector.
[11:38] Martin:  next step is to integrate to verse then the rest of the codebase for the main system
[11:38] Martin:  can be demonstrated in jan 2005
[11:39] Martin:  will be finalized in april 2006 (month 28)
[11:39] Martin:  so wp 5.5, radiosity module?
[11:40] Marcus:  will be inteegrated in the final version of the high performance renderer
[11:40] Marcus:  month 28
[11:40] Martin:  but a version with limited functionality earlier?
[11:40] Martin:  or not?
[11:41] emil: gert: should progress reports appear here, or be e-mailed to you?
[11:41] Marcus:  i dont think that there will be an earlier release
[11:41] Martin:  ok
[11:41] Gert:  I think they should be emailed to me
[11:41] Marcus:  we have to develop the cilents and proxy first
[11:41] Martin:  so why having it on the agenda?
[11:41] Gert:  but if people like to discuss it here it's fine
[11:41] Martin:  You have it on the agenda.....
[11:41] emil: gert: fine. then, um, next point on agenda? it seems to be random progress discussions here now
[11:41] emil: okay  :)  talk on
[11:41] Martin:  ........
[11:42] Martin:  i think also it's a good point if we have progress reports
[11:42] Martin:  so wp5 have reported i think
[11:42] Martin:  i will put together a document and email it to you all after discussing more with participants later
[11:43] Gert:  what about the rendering clients WP4?
[11:43] eskilsteenberg:  I would very much apreachiate eralyer, even incompleat releases.
[11:43] Gert:  I agree with eskil 
[11:43] eskilsteenberg:  My rendering client is under costruction but Verse R4 is more important. 
[11:43] Martin:  same here, btw do we have a "global" cvs yet?
[11:43] Gert:  better to start to test early
[11:43] eskilsteenberg:  OpenGL 2 will be out Aug 29th.
[11:44] ton:  cool. finally!
[11:44] sschneid:  An early version of the PDA rendering client will be available until the end of this year
[11:44] emil: martin: not that I'm aware of, but using cvs at blender.org is one alternative
[11:44] eskilsteenberg:  If people could post links to their work in propgress we could give alot more help and it would also energize the comunity when they see that things are happening.
[11:45] sschneid:  After that we will focus on the OpenSG (high performance) Rendering Client, i.e. an early version of that will be available in the middle/the end of next year
[11:45] Martin:  ok
[11:45] Gert:  What about the audio side? 
[11:46] Gert:  In the report Lauri sent it wasn't that much about the II stuff or did I misunderatnd that?
[11:46] Ludde:  i have been busy with other project under the spring and
[11:47] Ludde:  have not done so much work, however
[11:47] Ludde:  the stiuation will change now and
[11:47] Gert:  Great!
[11:47] Ludde:  i will work almost full time with uni-vers from now
[11:48] Ludde:  together with Pontus
[11:48] Ludde:  We plan to have a early demonstrator of the audio-culling at jan 2005
[11:49] Gert:  OK I think we shoudl continue. When I recieve all reports about early releases demonstrators I will 
[11:49] Gert:  compile that into a list.
[11:49] eskilsteenberg:  Pontus has asked me on how to joun the uni-verse mailing list, can some one add him?
[11:50] Martin:  it seems that a majority of our task will be able to be demontsrated after month 14 (jan-feb 2005)
[11:50] Ludde:  thats great
[11:50] emil: isn't that month 12? didn't proj. start Feb 2004?
[11:50] Martin:  ohh yes
[11:50] emil: *confused*
[11:50] Martin:  sry
[11:51] emil: ok  :) 
[11:52] Gert:  on the deliverables the audio specfication is quite soon september
[11:52] Gert:  IS that under control?
[11:52] Ludde:  who is adm for the mail-list?
[11:52] Gert:  Blender
[11:53] ton:  i am
[11:53] Ludde:  i will contact Lauri abot that
[11:53] ton:  but, for uploads of docs we should use the website
[11:53] ton:  i can help with that, just mail me a doc for upload
[11:53] ton:  or i show how to do it yourself
[11:53] Ludde:  i think to be realistic that the audio spec will be delivered i late sept
[11:54] Gert:  Good!
[11:54] eskilsteenberg:  Audio is already in verse.
[11:55] Gert:  For the next workshop IRL meeting it has been suggested to have that at the Blender conefrence
[11:55] Gert:  I think we should agreee on dates for that now?
[11:55] angelaplohman:  The dates of the conference are October 22-24, 2004
[11:56] ton:  i would suggest to the monday after again
[11:56] ton:  +do
[11:56] Martin:  whn exactly is the blender conference?
[11:56] ton:  the days before conference I'll be too busy 
[11:56] Martin:  ahh
[11:56] angelaplohman:  So Monday, October 25 then?
[11:56] Gert:  How many days would we need for Uni-Verse discussions?
[11:57] ton:  days! :P
[11:57] Gert:  Wouldn't before the conference be possible?
[11:57] Martin:  ill be at the conference
[11:57] Gert:  Is the blender conefercene full three days?
[11:57] ton:  i think we have 2 things; one is blender conference itself (doing universe things there) and the other is a PCC or consotrium meeting
[11:58] angelaplohman:  The conference will be a full 3 days, yes.
[11:58] ton:  during conference theres sufficient space for special (open) sessions
[11:58] ton:  but for a consortium meeting i doubt we have slot then
[11:59] ton:  only when it is not possible otherwise...
[11:59] ton:  mostly because both angela & me will be needed to attend & organize conference activities themselves
[11:59] Gert:  I have a confernce I planned to attend on the Monday after the meeting. 
[12:00] ton:  ahh
[12:00] Martin:  so who plans to attend to the conference?
[12:00] ton:  yes, lets first verify that
[12:00] Gert:  I would prefer to have to Uni-Verse day before the meeting
[12:00] eskilsteenberg:  I do
[12:00] Martin:  me
[12:00] ton:  emil?
[12:00] Marcus:  i would prefer to have the uni-verse meeting outside the conference
[12:01] emil: day before sounds convenient, but I can see why it'd be problematic for ton...
[12:01] ton:  apart from organizing issues, i have possible smaller pre-conference sessions with people
[12:01] ton:  this year we expect more visitors worldwide
[12:02] ton:  already heard americans, and several australians attending
[12:02] emil: after the conference you will be dead tired, on the other hand  :) 
[12:02] ton:  ooh... sunday evening we dont have conference
[12:02] ton:  we stop sunday early, at 18h
[12:02] emil: aha, okay
[12:02] ton:  so sunday from 19.30 - 23.00 we could do stuff
[12:03] Gert:  I don't think an evenig is enough !
[12:03] emil: a bit tight, don't you think?
[12:03] angelaplohman:  yes, but not in the space of the conference location - we need to find a new space.
[12:03] ton:  gert; what were you thinking of?
[12:03] Gert:  what?
[12:03] ton:  what activities for consortium partners only
[12:03] emil: oh, angela has a point of course... the conf. location is rented for those days only, I gues?
[12:04] Marcus:  so if no one has the time around the conference we maybe should think about a different time
[12:04] ton:  angela; we can find space
[12:04] angelaplohman:  yes, of course...
[12:04] ton:  gert; i can imagine you like to do another 'workshop' two or three days again?
[12:05] Gert:  So what I had in mind was to have a day to discuss and plan about the project
[12:05] Gert:  Maybe two days are too much but at least a day 
[12:05] sschneid:  i think that one day will be enough as well
[12:05] ton:  well, if everyone can attend, i can do that thursday before
[12:06] Marcus:  that would be no problem for us...sounds good
[12:06] ton:  will need to find a replacement for self to help setting up conf stuff
[12:06] eskilsteenberg:  I hope every one is comming to the conf too, we can meet there and talk mor informal about how to solve technical issiues.
[12:06] ton:  but i only hear 4 people here attending
[12:06] emil: so that's oct 21, then?
[12:07] Gert:  I suggest that I check with the non present partners with an email befor ewe decide 
[12:07] angelaplohman:  yes, Thursday, October 21.
[12:07] ton:  and the thursday before conference is *really* a problem for me, will only do when it is absolute needed
[12:07] ton:  o know how these things go with last minute disasters  ;) 
[12:08] ton:  friday evening could also be used ( art festival)
[12:08] Gert:  I think we take the final diecsion over email so everyone can have his voice heard OK?
[12:08] ton:  and for saturday evening you can consortium dinner or so
[12:08] emil: fine
[12:09] Marcus:  ok lets decide this with mailing...
[12:09] ton:  ok
[12:09] Gert:  Ton Is there any more information about the Blender conference?
[12:10] ton:  about paper deadlines; its still OK to submit proposals
[12:10] ton:  we just wanted to have stuff in early  :) 
[12:10] Gert:  or this point on the agenda finished as well?
[12:10] angelaplohman:  If there are Uni-Verse related proposals, feel free to send them
[12:10] ton:  and apart from papers, the schedule allows several smaller sessions too
[12:10] eskilsteenberg:  Great emil and i will talk about it, then submit something.
[12:11] ton:  no, schedule is being worked on still
[12:11] ton:  will start this week though
[12:11] ton:  first tentative scheduling
[12:11] emil: Gert: http://www.blender3d.org/cms/Blender_Conference.52.0.html
[12:11] ton:  i am also not sure about thursday though, because i got signals we might need to have a 4 day conference...
[12:12] ton:  but thats unknown
[12:12] Gert:  when do you decide about that?
[12:12] angelaplohman:  tomorrow  ;) 
[12:12] ton:  this week
[12:12] ton:  hehehe
[12:13] Gert:  OK
[12:13] Gert:  Could emil say a few words about hpw Purple is doing?
[12:13] ton:  also; 1 thing
[12:13] Gert:  Anything to show at the conefernce?
[12:13] emil: "a few"? heh
[12:14] ton:  during the conference we have escape possibilities to rent rooms in same building downstairs
[12:14] ton:  i am not so much a fan of doing meetings with all consortium partners all the time
[12:14] ton:  we can also look at smaller sessions, where people who work together anyway can have time to talk
[12:15] ton:  maybe that is a means to bypass a 'full day' thursday
[12:15] Gert:  a full day doens't eman that we all have to sit in the same room
[12:16] ton:  so what i mean; people can also propose to have 'sessions' during the conference which are for consortium partners only
[12:17] ton:  before deciding on the thursday, i would like to see in (email) what exactly targets are for us then
[12:17] ton:  now i shut up  :) 
[12:18] Gert:  Emil Purple news?
[12:18] emil: oh
[12:19] emil: well.. news and news, he
[12:19] emil: I've started development work on purple, but it's taking time
[12:19] emil: I think a deadline is in october, but feel it's not quite "correct", since I didn't start working on it on day 1 of the project
[12:20] emil: so seven months of Purple development is not "month seven of the project"
[12:20] emil: I do have a fair idea of what I'm doing, although there is much design and implementation work still to be done
[12:20] Gert:  I think we have to adjust the deadline but it owuld be nice to have some teasers for the blender conference
[12:20] ton:  yah, we already agreed (i thought) that this should be able to take untl end of 2005
[12:20] emil: I'm trying to find some kind of incremental approach, where I can add functionalty in very small steps
[12:21] emil: the code for Purple is in CVS on blender.org, and that is the live repository against which I do all work
[12:21] ton:  a blencon purple presentation could be nice of course
[12:21] emil: a presentation might be feasible, but I wouldn't have too high hopes of a *demonstration*
[12:21] emil: especially considering there is no UI  :) 
[12:21] ton:  and make a half page as 'paper' to include in schedule
[12:22] ton:  we want to have a printed booklet for conference
[12:22] ton:  plus all online
[12:22] eskilsteenberg:  We will be able to talk to people and to be able to invite people and show thet code is beeing written.
[12:22] ton:  yeah lotsof occasions for informal showcase too
[12:23] Gert:  OK thanks Emil and Eskil!
[12:23] emil: well... not at all sure how demo:able Purple will be at the conf
[12:23] emil: I don't think text-only tty output wows that many people, these days  :) 
[12:23] Gert:  OK maybe better to wait with the demo!
[12:23] ton:  i propose to have a good illustration/demo of verse in general
[12:24] ton:  and after that give some slides what purple ideas are
[12:24] eskilsteenberg:  I will have lits of tools to show.
[12:24] ton:  good  :) 
[12:24] ton:  /me adds a 5th day to conference for eskil!
[12:24] emil: "some slides" of purple sure sounds reasoable and doable, of course
[12:25] Gert:  OK Next PCC Marratech meeting
[12:25] eskilsteenberg:   ;-) 
[12:25] Marcus:  if we would have a pcc meeting in october - do we really need another video meeting?
[12:26] Gert:  Maybe not?
[12:26] Marcus:  thats just 2 month
[12:26] Gert:  What do you say?
[12:26] ton:  next pcc in amsterdam. then online in december again?
[12:26] Marcus:  maybe that way
[12:27] emil: better make it early december, then... or perhaps even november, as follow-up to IRL meeting
[12:27] ton:  and we also expect invitation to fraunhofer once  :) 
[12:27] Marcus:   :) 
[12:27] Gert:  OK We have the next PCC meeting at the Blender conference if nothing shows up.
[12:28] Martin:  k
[12:28] ton:  is someone living on a mountain with snow to board on?
[12:28] Marcus:  ok
[12:28] becker:  good
[12:28] Gert:  Thanks for your tme today!
[12:29] ton:  /me notes; next time partner with carribean & swiss companies  :) 
[12:29] emil: ton: gotta expand EU, then
[12:29] Martin:  have a friend on the monte rosa mountain
[12:29] Martin:  join me in feb
[12:29] Gert:  Bye!
[12:29] Martin:  4650.. with chopper
[12:29] Martin:  bye
[12:29] Marcus:  bye
[12:29] angelaplohman:  thanks - bye
[12:29] ton:  wow
[12:29] sschneid:  see you
[12:29] becker:  bye
[12:29] eskilsteenberg:  bye!
[12:30] Ludde:  bye all
[12:30] emil: bye bye
[12:30] Eskil Steenberg left.
[12:30] Angela Plohman left.
[12:30] Marcus Hoffmann left.
[12:30] Peter Lundén left.
[12:30] ton:  emil; maybe you and eskil & me could do small irc talk this/next week
[12:30] emil: sure...
[12:30] emil: e-mail about times?
[12:31] martin schlingmann left.
[12:31] Sascha Schneider left.
[12:31] ton:  we finally can make you a verse.blender.org
[12:31] emil: yay!
[12:31] ton:  and purple.blender.org
[12:31] ton:  i propose to have it as new project
[12:31] emil: that, and rsa keys for cvs, will make me happy  :) 
[12:31] emil: /me writes his password all too often
[12:31] Gert Svensson left.
[12:31] ton:  yah, the children diseases are being solved all now
[12:32] ton:  its a loonix server, maintained by freebsd guru  :) 
[12:32] emil: cool  :)  there was UI to upload keys, but it doesn't seem to work...
[12:32] emil: gotta go now, eskil has been looking at the spec and wants to go through it
[12:32] Peter Becker left.
[12:32] emil: e-mail about irc, ton
[12:32] ton:  okie
[12:32] emil: fine  :) 
[12:32] emil: see ya
[12:32] ton:  have fun!
[12:32] ton roosendaal left.

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