[Uni-verse] Re: Consortium agreement and PCC meeting

Gert Svensson uni-verse@blender.org
Tue, 17 Aug 2004 13:56:30 +0200

Please note that some results were promised before this PCC meeting:

1) A Logo proposal by Minusplus, Eskil and Paregos

2) A time schedule from each work package leader with dates for
early prototypes.

 "Could WP leaders start to think about possible demonstration for the 
end of  year.
I would suggest a development plan where "the system" is possible to be 
at any time however with limited functionality. For example the 
reduction proxy server i
n the first reincarnation would be just a proxy server without reduction 
and later on
simple reduction is added.".

Please send the result this week!

Best Regards

Gert Svensson wrote:

> I would also like to remind you about the PCC Computer Conference 
> Meeting on
> Monday August 23 at 1300 CET DST.
> I will send out the agenda shortly.
> Best Regards
> Gert