[Uni-verse] uni-verse site opened

Marcus Hoffmann uni-verse@blender.org
Fri, 30 Apr 2004 09:42:31 +0200

hi ton,

just a (very) little correction from me:

in the opensg-text are some wrong line wraps. maybe you copied it from the
mail directly and the formatting there was not html-compatible... ;)
could you look at it... thx



-----Original Message-----
From: uni-verse-admin@blender.org [mailto:uni-verse-admin@blender.org]On
Behalf Of Ton Roosendaal
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 4:52 PM
To: uni-verse@blender.org
Subject: [Uni-verse] uni-verse site opened


It's open to the general public now!
Now just adds links to this site everywhere to create Google awarenes.

I've incorporated all comments today as well, with as exception the -
quite chaotic - "Who" main page with the logos. I'll have to ask our
webmaster how to make a group of images clickable with different URLs
(and group them nicer). I can't seem to get it working yet.

As always, just bother me with comments for improvements.



Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton@blender.org

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