[Uni-verse] Re: Preparatiion for the contract

Lauri Savioja uni-verse@blender.org
Tue, 16 Sep 2003 10:01:54 +0300

Hi Gert,

I just read through the TA, and it seems to be in a very good shape
=66rom our point of view. Thanks !


PS. I guess that in the next version the changes in the Deliverables
(efforts & lead participants) concerning the acoustic part will be
incorporated as described in some of my previous e-mails.

On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Gert Svensson wrote:

> Dear Partners,
> first of all I like to inform you that we have a small delay in the=20
> process due to fact  that the architect offices in
> Hungary would like to switch the official partner from Karacsony Studio=
> to Minus Plus architects.
> As you might remember their work is described as a collaboration between=
> Karacsony Studio and
> Minus Plus but with Karacsony Studio as the contractor. It now seems=20
> that most of the
> work will be done by Minus Plus and it would be natural to have them as=
> the contractor.
> I'm investigating how this change can be done with the commission.
> I have now prepared the first draft of the Technical Annex of the contract
> which can be downloaded from=20
> http://www.pdc.kth.se/~gert/Uni-Verse-Technical-Annex.doc
> It is based on the B Part of the proposal but the sections are reorganized
> to fulfill the requirements by the commission.
> I have also made some modifications based on the comments with the=20
> commission and
> the budget reduction. Those changes are marked with change marks.
> Please check that everything is OK.
> I have received one minor comments on the distribution of efforts within=
> the Interactive
> Institute. I have included this change in a new version of the budget=20
> and effort file.
> In the budget file I have also made a separation of indirect and direct=
> costs to=20
> make it  possible to directly fill in the budget CPF forms.
> Best Regards
> Gert Svensson

Lauri Savioja
Telecommunications Software and Multimedia Laboratory
Helsinki University of Technology
PO Box 5400, FIN-02015 HUT, Finland
Tel. +358-9-451 3237     Fax. +358-9-451 5014