[Uni-verse] Meeting in Stockholm

Gert Svensson uni-verse@blender.org
Thu, 11 Dec 2003 08:30:18 +0100

Eskil Steenberg wrote:

>>I asked Jorge Santos a couple of days ago about the chances that we
>>would be able to start January 1.
>>He thought it was more likely with a start February 1 but there was
>>still a chance for Jan.
>Must it start on the first? 

Yes by commission regulation.

>If we cant get started by the firth of
>january, wouldn't it be possible to start it by the 15th, in that way
>would have no problem whit our first meeting. Actually i suggest that
>even if we start officially the 1st of Feb. we shouldn't postpone the
For me that is OK but other partners may object since they will not be 
covered for travelling costs.
