[Uni-verse] Preparation for the contract

Ton Roosendaal uni-verse@blender.org
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 16:29:18 +0200

Hi Gert & Eskil & everyone,

Just wanted to confirm my need to have a meeting with the consortium =20
partners before we officially take off... A really nice occasion would =20=

be to combine it with the 2nd Blender conference, which is most likely =20=

in Amsterdam, fr 31 oct - sun 2 nov. Check the cool location in the =20
city centre we can use again:


Definite date will be decided on within a week.
Main disadvantage of doing it during the Blender conference, is that =20
I'm most likely extremely busy then. If we schedule a uni-verse meeting =20=

at sunday it might work best, but not for more than 2-3 hours. I can =20
also try if we can get a meeting room all day monday, for a more quiet =20=

and focused discussion.

Presentations on general topics (where people are free to attend) can =20=

be done during the conference days. I already scheduled a blender3 talk =20=

and Verse.
Last year it was an informal & friendly happening, with a load of =20
people focused on 3d development together. For a new consortium like =20
this, it could be a great means of socializing a bit. :)


On Wednesday, Aug 20, 2003, at 15:38 Europe/Amsterdam, Gert Svensson =20

> Dear Partners,
> I'm now back from my vacation and it is time to prepare for the =20
> contract.
> I enclose an email from the commission with instructions and a file =20=

> with partially pre-filled forms.
> To fill in the forms you have to use a special tool called the CPF =20
> editor.
> A web-link where to download and how to use this tool can be found in =20=

> the email from the
> commission.
> An important part of the preparation for a contract is of course the =20=

> budget.
> I will come back with a proposal for an updated budget in couple of =20=

> days.
> As you can see from the commission email we have to fill in the forms =20=

> A2a, A2b and A2c immediately.
> Some information is already filled in by the commission and should be =20=

> carefully checked.
> Other information has to be supplied by each partner.
> Please send me by email the partner file produced by the CPF Editor =20=

> containing the
> updated  forms A2a, A2b and A2c as soon as possible and at the latest =20=

> at August 29.
> I would recommend all partners to send me their "supporting legal =20
> documents"
> (certificate of registration) as soon as possible.
> If  you are sure that you are already in the commission database and =20=

> that all pre-filled in
> information is correct you can instead send a letter confirming this.
> This letter should be signed by an authorized person in your =20
> organization.
> I would need your certificate of registration (or if applicable the =20=

> letter mentioned above)
> at soon as possible and at the latest August 29 sent to the following =20=

> address:
> Gert Svensson
> Sweden
> or by courier to:
> Gert Svensson
> Osquarsbacke 2, plan 5
> Sweden
> Phone + 46 8 790 78 84
> Note that form A6 only has to filled in by special request from the =20=

> commission (according to CPF explanatory notes, note 47)
> ftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/documents_r5/natdir0000046/=20
> s_2061005_20030801_082154_2061en.pdf
> Please contact me if anything is unclear or if you need any help.
> Best Regards
> Gert Svensson
> From: Jorge.Santos@cec.eu.int
> Date: Mon Aug 11, 2003  16:05:06 Europe/Amsterdam
> To: gert@pdc.kth.se
> Subject: UniVerse CPF's and meeting
> Dear Coordinator,
> Attached please find a pre-filled version of the CPFs. You must =20
> download the CPF Editor tool and manual=A0directlyfrom =20
> cordis:=A0http://www.cordis.lu/fp6/contract-prep.htm=A0to be able to =
edit =20
> the file provided.
> =95 	Please note that the information included in the CPFs is either =20=

> directly coming from the proposal you have submitted or from the =20
> database of organisations held in DG INFSO.
> In particular, I would like to draw your attention to the information =20=

> in form A2, which is provided for each participant.
> If the organisation's legal name/legal address is different from what =20=

> you have provided in the proposal, this means that according to the =20=

> information we have in our database, you might have used in the =20
> proposal e.g. working address rather than the legal address or the =20
> name of a department rather than the name of the legal entity.
> Please check the information we have provided in the pre-filled CPFs =20=

> very carefully and, if you notice any discrepancies, inform me =20
> immediately and provide me with supporting legal documents.
> If the organisation's legal name/legal address/legal data in the =20
> pre-filled CPFs is the same as you provided in the proposal, this =20
> either means we have used the data from the proposal or the =20
> information you provided corresponds with the data we have on our =20
> database.
> In the first case, if we have used the data of the proposal this means =
> that your organisation has not been entered in our database and you =20=

> would need to provide me with supporting legal documents (certificate =20=

> of registration) immediately to allow the validation of your =20
> organisation.
> In the second case, if we have taken the data from our organisations =20=

> database it would be beneficial if you could still explicitly confirm =20=

> that the legal information is correct. A confirmation letter signed by =
> authorised signatory would be considered sufficient at this stage.
> Furthermore, I would like to draw your attention to the information =20=

> provided in Form A2a, A2b and A2c.
> The persons given as "authorised to sign the contract" should indeed =20=

> be duly authorised.
> This (these) person(s) should also sign for A2c as soon as possible =20=

> but certainly before contract signature."
> Also, please revise the technical annex taking into account waht was =20=

> discussed during the meeting on 16/7/2003, namely:
> -the 1.9MEur max funding figure=A0is not negotiable.
> -it is not clear how the commercial partners (partners 5 and 6) are =20=

> going to get the return for the money they are putting in, especially =20=

> when we are talking about open source software. These partners are =20
> mainly=A0involved in the Evaluation/validation =
and=A0Dissemination=A0phases =20
> and according to what was=A0stated during the meeting they will derive =
a =20
> competitive advantage just by being the first to get their hands on =20=

> the prototypes. If this is true=A0then I am sure that there will be =20=

> plenty of companies willing to do it for free. I fail to see what risk =
> these companies are taking by participating in the project and getting =
> their share of Community funding to cover for it. The dissemination =20=

> mechanism used by the Blender Foundation seems quite effective=A0so =
far =20
> and I am sure they can get as many beta users as they want from as =20
> many sectors of the industry as they want.
> -the consortium agreement is be to signed and ready before the EC =20
> signs the contract and should address=A0the IPR issues in-depth since =20=

> the contractual provisions within the EC contract are quite vague.
> -a more robust project conflict resolution mechanism should be =20
> encompassed in the technical annex. The aim for the consortium is to =20=

> be able to resolve (internally) any type of conflict without the =20
> need=A0to involve=A0external parties.
> -the manpower per partner associated with each deliverable should be =20=

> identified.
> -incorporate the preparatory discussion note you submitted into the =20=

> Technical Annex taking into account the comments above.
> If I forgot something, please remind me.
> =A0
> European Commission INFSO-D2
> Av. de Beaulieu 29, Off. 3/81
> B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
> Email: jorge.santos@cec.eu.int
> Tel:+32.2.2995413=A0 Fax:+32.2.2961786
> http://www.cordis.lu/ist/ka4/vision/home.html
> =A0
> =A0
> <IST-1-002228-STP.cpf><imageEBU.JPG>

Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton@blender.org =20