[tuhopuu-devel] Fw: Help for tuhopuu's uv mapping

Bjornmose tuhopuu-devel@blender.org
Tue, 11 May 2004 00:26:51 +0200

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hi brecht, luke and all.
just in case you did not get it

jow(bjorn the moose)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruno Levy" <Bruno.Levy@loria.fr>
To: <bjornmose@gmx.net>
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 12:22 PM
Subject: Help for tuhopuu's uv mapping

>     Hello,
> I'm currently trying to extract a minimum kernel for numerical stuff
> (sorry for the delay, took
> longer than expected) here is a preliminary version (not tested yet).
> send it to you for early
> feedback, if you are interrested, I'll send a version to the mailing
> Cheers,
> -- Bruno.


> /*
>  *  OpenNL: Numerical Library
>  *  Copyright (C) 2004 Bruno Levy
>  *
>  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
>  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
>  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
>  *  (at your option) any later version.
>  *
>  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
>  *
>  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
>  *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
>  *
>  *  If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving
>  *  name of the person performing the modification, the date of
>  *  and the reason for such modification.
>  *
>  *  Contact: Bruno Levy
>  *
>  *     levy@loria.fr
>  *
>  *     ISA Project
>  *     LORIA, INRIA Lorraine,
>  *     Campus Scientifique, BP 239
>  *     FRANCE
>  *
>  *  Note that the GNU General Public License does not permit
>  *  the Software into proprietary programs.
>  */
> #ifndef __nl_h__
> #define __nl_h__
> #ifdef __cplusplus
> extern "C" {
> #endif
> #define NL_VERSION_0_0 1
> #define NLAPI
> #define NLAPIENTRY
> /*
>  *
>  * Datatypes
>  *
>  */
>     typedef unsigned int NLenum;
>     typedef unsigned char NLboolean;
>     typedef unsigned int NLbitfield;
>     typedef void NLvoid;
>     typedef signed char         NLbyte; /* 1-byte signed */
>     typedef short NLshort; /* 2-byte signed */
>     typedef int         NLint; /* 4-byte signed */
>     typedef unsigned char NLubyte; /* 1-byte unsigned */
>     typedef unsigned short NLushort; /* 2-byte unsigned */
>     typedef unsigned int NLuint; /* 4-byte unsigned */
>     typedef int         NLsizei; /* 4-byte signed */
>     typedef float NLfloat; /* single precision float */
>     typedef double NLdouble; /* double precision float */
>     typedef void* NLContext ;
> /*
>  *
>  * Constants
>  *
>  */
> #define NL_FALSE   0x0
> #define NL_TRUE    0x1
> /* Primitives */
> #define NL_SYSTEM  0x0
> #define NL_MATRIX  0x1
> #define NL_ROW     0x2
> /* Solver Parameters */
> #define NL_SOLVER          0x100
> #define NL_NB_VARIABLES    0x101
> #define NL_LEAST_SQUARES   0x102
> #define NL_MAX_ITERATIONS  0x103
> #define NL_THRESHOLD       0x104
> #define NL_OMEGA           0x105
> #define NL_SYMMETRIC       0x106
> #define NL_USED_ITERATIONS 0x107
> #define NL_ERROR           0x108
> /* Solvers */
> #define NL_CG              0x200
> #define NL_JACOBI_CG       0x201
> #define NL_SSOR_CG         0x202
> #define NL_BICGSTAB        0x203
> #define NL_GMRES           0x204
> #define NL_SUPERLU_EXT     0x210
> #define NL_PERMSUPERLU_EXT 0x211
> /* Enable / Disable */
> #define NL_NORMALIZE_ROWS 0x300
> /* Row parameters */
> #define RIGHT_HAND_SIDE 0x400
> #define ROW_SCALING     0x401
> /*
>  * Contexts
>  */
>     NLAPI NLContext NLAPIENTRY nlNewContext() ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlDeleteContext(NLContext context) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlMakeCurrent(NLContext context) ;
>     NLAPI NLContext NLAPIENTRY nlGetCurrent() ;
>     NLAPI NLboolean NLAPIENTRY nlInitExtension(char* extension) ;
> /*
>  * State set/get
>  */
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlSolverParameterd(NLenum pname, NLdouble
param) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlSolverParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint
param) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlRowParameterd(NLenum pname, NLdouble
param) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlRowParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint param) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlGetBooleanv(NLenum pname, NLboolean*
params) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlGetDoublev(NLenum pname, NLdouble* params)
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlGetIntergerv(NLenum pname, NLint* params)
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlEnable(NLenum pname) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlDisable(NLenum pname) ;
>     NLAPI NLboolean nlIsEnabled(NLenum pname) ;
> /*
>  * Variables
>  */
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlSetVariable(NLuint index, NLdouble value)
>     NLAPI NLdouble NLAPIENTRY nlGetVariable(NLuint index) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlLockVariable(NLuint index) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlUnlockVariable(NLuint index) ;
>     NLAPI NLboolean NLAPIENTRY nlVariableIsLocked(NLuint index) ;
> /*
>  * Begin/End
>  */
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlBegin(NLenum primitive) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlEnd(NLenum primitive) ;
>     NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlCoefficient(NLuint index, NLdouble value)
> /*
>  * Solve
>  */
>     NLAPI NLboolean NLAPIENTRY nlSolve() ;
> #ifdef __cplusplus
> }
> #endif
> #endif


> /*
>  *  OpenNL: Numerical Library
>  *  Copyright (C) 2004 Bruno Levy
>  *
>  *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
>  *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
>  *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
>  *  (at your option) any later version.
>  *
>  *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
>  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
>  *  GNU General Public License for more details.
>  *
>  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
>  *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
>  *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
>  *
>  *  If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving
>  *  name of the person performing the modification, the date of
>  *  and the reason for such modification.
>  *
>  *  Contact: Bruno Levy
>  *
>  *     levy@loria.fr
>  *
>  *     ISA Project
>  *     LORIA, INRIA Lorraine,
>  *     Campus Scientifique, BP 239
>  *     FRANCE
>  *
>  *  Note that the GNU General Public License does not permit
>  *  the Software into proprietary programs.
>  */
> #include "nl.h"
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <math.h>
> /* Assertions */
> static void __nl_assertion_failed(char* cond, char* file, int line) {
>     fprintf(
>         stderr,
>         "OpenNL assertion failed: %s, file:%s, line:%d\n",
>         cond,file,line
>     ) ;
>     abort() ;
> }
> static void __nl_range_assertion_failed(
>     double x, double min_val, double max_val, char* file, int line
> ) {
>     fprintf(
>         stderr,
>         "OpenNL range assertion failed: %f in [ %f ... %f ], file:%s,
>         x, min_val, max_val, file,line
>     ) ;
>     abort() ;
> }
> static void __nl_should_not_have_reached(char* file, int line) {
>     fprintf(
>         stderr,
>         "OpenNL should not have reached this point: file:%s,
>         file,line
>     ) ;
>     abort() ;
> }
> #define __nl_assert(x) {                                        \
>     if(!(x)) {                                                  \
>         __nl_assertion_failed(#x,__FILE__, __LINE__) ;          \
>     }                                                           \
> }
> #define __nl_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val) {                  \
>     if(((x) < (min_val)) || ((x) > (max_val))) {                \
>         __nl_range_assertion_failed(x, min_val, max_val,        \
>             __FILE__, __LINE__                                  \
>         ) ;                                                     \
>     }                                                           \
> }
> #define __nl_assert_not_reached {                               \
>     __nl_should_not_have_reached(__FILE__, __LINE__) ;          \
> }
> #ifdef NL_DEBUG
> #define __nl_debug_assert(x) __nl_assert(x)
> #define __nl_debug_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val)
> #else
> #define __nl_debug_assert(x)
> #define __nl_debug_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val)
> #endif
> #ifdef NL_PARANOID
> #define __nl_parano_assert(x) __nl_assert(x)
> #define __nl_parano_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val)
> #else
> #define __nl_parano_assert(x)
> #define __nl_parano_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val)
> #endif
> /* Error-reporting function */
> static void __nl_error(char* function, char* message) {
>     fprintf(stderr, "OpenNL error in %s(): %s\n", function, message) ;
> }
> /* classic macros */
> #ifndef MIN
> #define MIN(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
> #endif
> #ifndef MAX
> #define MAX(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
> #endif
> /* memory management */
> #define __NL_NEW(T)                (T*)(calloc(1, sizeof(T)))
> #define __NL_NEW_ARRAY(T,NB)       (T*)(calloc((NB),sizeof(T)))
> #define __NL_RENEW_ARRAY(T,x,NB)   (T*)(realloc(x,(NB)*sizeof(T)))
> #define __NL_DELETE(x)             free(x); x = NULL
> #define __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(x)       free(x); x = NULL
> #define __NL_CLEAR(T, x)           memset(x, 0, sizeof(T))
> #define __NL_CLEAR_ARRAY(T,x,NB)   memset(x, 0, (NB)*sizeof(T))
> /* Dynamic arrays for sparse row/columns */
> typedef struct {
>     NLuint   index ;
>     NLdouble value ;
> } __NLCoeff ;
> typedef struct {
>     NLuint size ;
>     NLuint capacity ;
>     __NLCoeff* coeff ;
> } __NLRowColumn ;
> static void __nlRowColumnConstruct(__NLRowColumn* c) {
>     c->size     = 0 ;
>     c->capacity = 0 ;
>     c->coeff    = NULL ;
> }
> static void __nlRowColumnDestroy(__NLRowColumn* c) {
>     __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(c->coeff) ;
> #ifdef NL_PARANOID
>     __NL_CLEAR(__NLRowColumn, c) ;
> #endif
> }
> static void __nlRowColumnGrow(__NLRowColumn* c) {
>     if(c->capacity != 0) {
>         c->capacity = 2 * c->capacity ;
>         c->coeff = __NL_RENEW_ARRAY(__NLCoeff, c->coeff, c->capacity)
>     } else {
>         c->capacity = 4 ;
>         c->coeff = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(__NLCoeff, c->capacity) ;
>     }
> }
> static void __nlRowColumnAdd(__NLRowColumn* c, NLint index, NLdouble
value) {
>     NLuint i ;
>     for(i=0; i<c->size; i++) {
>         if(c->coeff[i].index == index) {
>             c->coeff[i].value += value ;
>             return ;
>         }
>     }
>     if(c->size == c->capacity) {
>         __nlRowColumnGrow(c) ;
>     }
>     c->coeff[c->size].index = index ;
>     c->coeff[c->size].value = value ;
>     c->size++ ;
> }
> /* Does not check whether the index already exists */
> static void __nlRowColumnAppend(__NLRowColumn* c, NLint index,
NLdouble value) {
>     if(c->size == c->capacity) {
>         __nlRowColumnGrow(c) ;
>     }
>     c->coeff[c->size].index = index ;
>     c->coeff[c->size].value = value ;
>     c->size++ ;
> }
> static void __nlRowColumnZero(__NLRowColumn* c) {
>     c->size = 0 ;
> }
> static void __nlRowColumnClear(__NLRowColumn* c) {
>     c->size     = 0 ;
>     c->capacity = 0 ;
>     __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(c->coeff) ;
> }
> /* SparseMatrix data structure */
> #define __NL_ROWS      1
> #define __NL_COLUMNS   2
> #define __NL_SYMMETRIC 4
> typedef struct {
>     NLuint m ;
>     NLuint n ;
>     NLuint diag_size ;
>     NLenum storage ;
>     __NLRowColumn* row ;
>     __NLRowColumn* column ;
>     NLdouble*      diag ;
> } __NLSparseMatrix ;
> static void __nlSparseMatrixConstruct(
>     __NLSparseMatrix* M, NLuint m, NLuint n, NLenum storage
> ) {
>     NLuint i ;
>     M->m = m ;
>     M->n = n ;
>     M->storage = storage ;
>     if(storage & __NL_ROWS) {
>         M->row = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(__NLRowColumn, m) ;
>         for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
>             __nlRowColumnConstruct(&(M->row[i])) ;
>         }
>     } else {
>         M->row = NULL ;
>     }
>     if(storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
>         M->column = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(__NLRowColumn, n) ;
>         for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
>             __nlRowColumnConstruct(&(M->column[i])) ;
>         }
>     } else {
>         M->column = NULL ;
>     }
>     M->diag_size = MIN(m,n) ;
>     M->diag = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, M->diag_size) ;
> }
> static void __nlSparseMatrixDestroy(__NLSparseMatrix* M) {
>     NLuint i ;
>     __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(M->diag) ;
>     if(M->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
>         for(i=0; i<M->m; i++) {
>             __nlRowColumnDestroy(&(M->row[i])) ;
>         }
>         __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(M->row) ;
>     }
>     if(M->storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
>         for(i=0; i<M->n; i++) {
>             __nlRowColumnDestroy(&(M->column[i])) ;
>         }
>         __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(M->column) ;
>     }
> #ifdef NL_PARANOID
>     __NL_CLEAR(__NLSparseMatrix,M) ;
> #endif
> }
> static void __nlSparseMatrixAdd(
>     __NLSparseMatrix* M, NLuint i, NLuint j, NLdouble value
> ) {
>     __nl_parano_range_assert(i, 0, M->m - 1) ;
>     __nl_parano_range_assert(j, 0, M->n - 1) ;
>     if((M->storage & __NL_SYMMETRIC) && (j > i)) {
>         return ;
>     }
>     if(i == j) {
>         M->diag[i] += value ;
>     }
>     if(M->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
>         __nlRowColumnAdd(&(M->row[i]), j, value) ;
>     }
>     if(M->storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
>         __nlRowColumnAdd(&(M->column[j]), i, value) ;
>     }
> }
> static void __nlSparseMatrixZero( __NLSparseMatrix* M) {
>     NLuint i ;
>     if(M->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
>         for(i=0; i<M->m; i++) {
>             __nlRowColumnZero(&(M->row[i])) ;
>         }
>     }
>     if(M->storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
>         for(i=0; i<M->n; i++) {
>             __nlRowColumnZero(&(M->column[i])) ;
>         }
>     }
>     __NL_CLEAR_ARRAY(NLdouble, M->diag, M->diag_size) ;
> }
> static void __nlSparseMatrixClear( __NLSparseMatrix* M) {
>     NLuint i ;
>     if(M->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
>         for(i=0; i<M->m; i++) {
>             __nlRowColumnClear(&(M->row[i])) ;
>         }
>     }
>     if(M->storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
>         for(i=0; i<M->n; i++) {
>             __nlRowColumnClear(&(M->column[i])) ;
>         }
>     }
>     __NL_CLEAR_ARRAY(NLdouble, M->diag, M->diag_size) ;
> }
> /* SparseMatrix x Vector routines, internal helper routines */
> static void __nlSparseMatrix_mult_rows_symmetric(
>     __NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y
> ) {
>     NLuint m = A->m ;
>     NLuint i,ij ;
>     __NLRowColumn* Ri = NULL ;
>     __NLCoeff* c = NULL ;
>     for(i=0; i<m; i++) {
>         y[i] = 0 ;
>         Ri = &(A->row[i]) ;
>         for(ij=0; ij<Ri->size; ij++) {
>             c = &(Ri->coeff[ij]) ;
>             y[i] += c->value * x[c->index] ;
>             if(i != c->index) {
>                 y[c->index] += c->value * x[i] ;
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> static void __nlSparseMatrix_mult_rows(
>     __NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y
> ) {
>     NLuint m = A->m ;
>     NLuint i,ij ;
>     __NLRowColumn* Ri = NULL ;
>     __NLCoeff* c = NULL ;
>     for(i=0; i<m; i++) {
>         y[i] = 0 ;
>         Ri = &(A->row[i]) ;
>         for(ij=0; ij<Ri->size; ij++) {
>             c = &(Ri->coeff[ij]) ;
>             y[i] += c->value * x[c->index] ;
>         }
>     }
> }
> static void __nlSparseMatrix_mult_cols_symmetric(
>     __NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y
> ) {
>     NLuint n = A->n ;
>     NLuint j,ii ;
>     __NLRowColumn* Cj = NULL ;
>     __NLCoeff* c = NULL ;
>     for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
>         y[j] = 0 ;
>         Cj = &(A->column[j]) ;
>         for(ii=0; ii<Cj->size; ii++) {
>             c = &(Cj->coeff[ii]) ;
>             y[c->index] += c->value * x[j] ;
>             if(j != c->index) {
>                 y[j] += c->value * x[c->index] ;
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> static void __nlSparseMatrix_mult_cols(
>     __NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y
> ) {
>     __NL_CLEAR_ARRAY(NLdouble, y, A->m) ;
>     NLuint n = A->n ;
>     NLuint j,ii ;
>     __NLRowColumn* Cj = NULL ;
>     __NLCoeff* c = NULL ;
>     for(j=0; j<n; j++) {
>         Cj = &(A->column[j]) ;
>         for(ii=0; ii<Cj->size; ii++) {
>             c = &(Cj->coeff[ii]) ;
>             y[c->index] += c->value * x[j] ;
>         }
>     }
> }
> /* SparseMatrix x Vector routines, main driver routine */
> void __nlSparseMatrixMult(__NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble*
y) {
>     if(A->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
>         if(A->storage & __NL_SYMMETRIC) {
>             __nlSparseMatrix_mult_rows_symmetric(A, x, y) ;
>         } else {
>             __nlSparseMatrix_mult_rows(A, x, y) ;
>         }
>     } else {
>         if(A->storage & __NL_SYMMETRIC) {
>             __nlSparseMatrix_mult_cols_symmetric(A, x, y) ;
>         } else {
>             __nlSparseMatrix_mult_cols(A, x, y) ;
>         }
>     }
> }
> /* NLContext data structure */
> typedef struct {
>     NLdouble  value ;
>     NLboolean locked ;
>     NLuint    index ;
> } __NLVariable ;
> #define __NL_STATE_INITIAL            0
> #define __NL_STATE_SYSTEM             1
> #define __NL_STATE_MATRIX             2
> #define __NL_STATE_ROW                3
> #define __NL_STATE_SOLVED             6
> typedef struct {
>     NLenum           state ;
>     __NLVariable*    variable ;
>     NLuint           n ;
>     __NLSparseMatrix M ;
>     __NLRowColumn    af ;
>     __NLRowColumn    al ;
>     __NLRowColumn    xl ;
>     NLdouble*        x ;
>     NLdouble*        b ;
>     NLdouble         right_hand_side ;
>     NLdouble         row_scaling ;
>     NLenum           solver ;
>     NLuint           nb_variables ;
>     NLuint           current_row ;
>     NLboolean        least_squares ;
>     NLboolean        symmetric ;
>     NLuint           max_iterations ;
>     NLdouble         threshold ;
>     NLdouble         omega ;
>     NLboolean        normalize_rows ;
>     NLboolean        alloc_M ;
>     NLboolean        alloc_af ;
>     NLboolean        alloc_al ;
>     NLboolean        alloc_xl ;
>     NLboolean        alloc_variable ;
>     NLboolean        alloc_x ;
>     NLboolean        alloc_b ;
>     NLuint           used_iterations ;
>     NLdouble         error ;
> } __NLContext ;
> static __NLContext* __nlCurrentContext = NULL ;
> NLContext nlNewContext() {
>     __NLContext* result     = __NL_NEW(__NLContext) ;
>     result->state           = __NL_STATE_INITIAL ;
>     result->solver          = NL_BICGSTAB ;
>     result->max_iterations  = 100 ;
>     result->threshold       = 1e-6 ;
>     result->omega           = 1.5 ;
>     result->row_scaling     = 1.0 ;
>     return result ;
> }
> void nlDeleteContext(NLContext context_in) {
>     __NLContext* context = (__NLContext*)(context_in) ;
>     if(__nlCurrentContext == context) {
>         __nlCurrentContext = NULL ;
>     }
>     if(context->alloc_M) {
>         __nlSparseMatrixDestroy(&context->M) ;
>     }
>     if(context->alloc_af) {
>         __nlRowColumnDestroy(&context->af) ;
>     }
>     if(context->alloc_al) {
>         __nlRowColumnDestroy(&context->al) ;
>     }
>     if(context->alloc_xl) {
>         __nlRowColumnDestroy(&context->xl) ;
>     }
>     if(context->alloc_variable) {
>         __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(context->variable) ;
>     }
>     if(context->alloc_x) {
>         __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(context->x) ;
>     }
>     if(context->alloc_b) {
>         __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(context->b) ;
>     }
> #ifdef NL_PARANOID
>     __NL_CLEAR(__NLContext, context) ;
> #endif
>     __NL_DELETE(context) ;
> }
> void nlMakeCurrent(NLContext context) {
>     __nlCurrentContext = (__NLContext*)(context) ;
> }
> NLContext nlGetCurrent() {
>     return __nlCurrentContext ;
> }
> NLboolean nlInitExtension(char* extension) {
>     return NL_FALSE ;
> }
> void __nlCheckState(NLenum state) {
>     __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state == state) ;
> }
> void __nlTransition(NLenum from_state, NLenum to_state) {
>     __nlCheckState(from_state) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->state = to_state ;
> }
> /* Get/Set parameters */
> void nlSolverParameterd(NLenum pname, NLdouble param) {
>     __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_INITIAL) ;
>     switch(pname) {
>     case NL_SOLVER: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->solver = (NLenum)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_NB_VARIABLES: {
>         __nl_assert(param > 0) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables = (NLuint)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->least_squares = (NLboolean)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_MAX_ITERATIONS: {
>         __nl_assert(param > 0) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->max_iterations = (NLuint)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_THRESHOLD: {
>         __nl_assert(param >= 0) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->threshold = (NLdouble)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_OMEGA: {
>         __nl_range_assert(param,1.0,2.0) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->omega = (NLdouble)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->symmetric = (NLboolean)param ;
>     }
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     }
> }
> void nlSolverParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint param) {
>     __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_INITIAL) ;
>     switch(pname) {
>     case NL_SOLVER: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->solver = (NLenum)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_NB_VARIABLES: {
>         __nl_assert(param > 0) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables = (NLuint)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->least_squares = (NLboolean)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_MAX_ITERATIONS: {
>         __nl_assert(param > 0) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->max_iterations = (NLuint)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_THRESHOLD: {
>         __nl_assert(param >= 0) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->threshold = (NLdouble)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_OMEGA: {
>         __nl_range_assert(param,1,2) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->omega = (NLdouble)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->symmetric = (NLboolean)param ;
>     }
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     }
> }
> void nlRowParameterd(NLenum pname, NLdouble param) {
>     __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_MATRIX) ;
>     switch(pname) {
>     case RIGHT_HAND_SIDE: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side = param ;
>     } break ;
>     case ROW_SCALING: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->row_scaling = param ;
>     } break ;
>     }
> }
> void nlRowParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint param) {
>     __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_MATRIX) ;
>     switch(pname) {
>     case RIGHT_HAND_SIDE: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side = (NLdouble)param ;
>     } break ;
>     case ROW_SCALING: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->row_scaling = (NLdouble)param ;
>     } break ;
>     }
> }
> void nlGetBooleanv(NLenum pname, NLboolean* params) {
>     switch(pname) {
>     case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
>         *params = __nlCurrentContext->least_squares ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
>         *params = __nlCurrentContext->symmetric ;
>     } break ;
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     }
> }
> void nlGetDoublev(NLenum pname, NLdouble* params) {
>     switch(pname) {
>     case NL_SOLVER: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->solver) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_NB_VARIABLES: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_MAX_ITERATIONS: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->max_iterations) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_THRESHOLD: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->threshold) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_OMEGA: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->omega) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->symmetric) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_USED_ITERATIONS: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->used_iterations) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_ERROR: {
>         *params = (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->error) ;
>     } break ;
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     }
> }
> void nlGetIntergerv(NLenum pname, NLint* params) {
>     switch(pname) {
>     case NL_SOLVER: {
>         *params = (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->solver) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_NB_VARIABLES: {
>         *params = (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
>         *params = (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_MAX_ITERATIONS: {
>         *params = (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->max_iterations) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_THRESHOLD: {
>         *params = (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->threshold) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_OMEGA: {
>         *params = (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->omega) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
>         *params = (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->symmetric) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_USED_ITERATIONS: {
>         *params = (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->used_iterations) ;
>     } break ;
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     }
> }
> /* Enable / Disable */
> void nlEnable(NLenum pname) {
>     switch(pname) {
>     case NL_NORMALIZE_ROWS: {
>         __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state != __NL_STATE_ROW) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->normalize_rows = NL_TRUE ;
>     } break ;
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     }
>     }
> }
> void nlDisable(NLenum pname) {
>     switch(pname) {
>     case NL_NORMALIZE_ROWS: {
>         __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state != __NL_STATE_ROW) ;
>         __nlCurrentContext->normalize_rows = NL_FALSE ;
>     } break ;
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     }
>     }
> }
> NLboolean nlIsEnabled(NLenum pname) {
>     switch(pname) {
>     case NL_NORMALIZE_ROWS: {
>         return __nlCurrentContext->normalize_rows ;
>     } break ;
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     }
>     }
>     return NL_FALSE ;
> }
> /* Get/Set Lock/Unlock variables */
> void nlSetVariable(NLuint index, NLdouble value) {
>     __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_SYSTEM) ;
>     __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0,
__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables - 1) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].value = value ;
> }
> NLdouble nlGetVariable(NLuint index) {
>     __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state != __NL_STATE_INITIAL) ;
>     __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0,
__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables - 1) ;
>     return __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].value ;
> }
> void nlLockVariable(NLuint index) {
>     __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_SYSTEM) ;
>     __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0,
__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables - 1) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].locked = NL_TRUE ;
> }
> void nlUnlockVariable(NLuint index) {
>     __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_SYSTEM) ;
>     __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0,
__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables - 1) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].locked = NL_FALSE ;
> }
> NLboolean nlVariableIsLocked(NLuint index) {
>     __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state != __NL_STATE_INITIAL) ;
>     __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0,
__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables - 1) ;
>     return __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].locked  ;
> }
> /* System construction */
> void __nlVariablesToVector() {
>     __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->alloc_x) ;
>     __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->alloc_variable) ;
>     NLuint i ;
>     for(i=0; i<__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables; i++) {
>         __NLVariable* v = &(__nlCurrentContext->variable[i]) ;
>         if(!v->locked) {
>             __nl_assert(v->index < __nlCurrentContext->n) ;
>             __nlCurrentContext->x[v->index] = v->value ;
>         }
>     }
> }
> void __nlVectorToVariables() {
>     __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->alloc_x) ;
>     __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->alloc_variable) ;
>     NLuint i ;
>     for(i=0; i<__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables; i++) {
>         __NLVariable* v = &(__nlCurrentContext->variable[i]) ;
>         if(!v->locked) {
>             __nl_assert(v->index < __nlCurrentContext->n) ;
>             v->value = __nlCurrentContext->x[v->index] ;
>         }
>     }
> }
> void __nlBeginSystem() {
>     __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_INITIAL, __NL_STATE_SYSTEM) ;
>     __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables > 0) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->variable = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(
>         __NLVariable, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables
>     ) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_variable = NL_TRUE ;
> }
> void __nlEndSystem() {
>     __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_MATRIX_CONSTRUCTED,
> }
> void __nlBeginMatrix() {
>     NLuint i ;
>     NLuint n = 0 ;
>     NLenum storage = __NL_ROWS ;
>     __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_SYSTEM, __NL_STATE_MATRIX) ;
>     for(i=0; i<__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables; i++) {
>         if(!__nlCurrentContext->variable[i].locked) {
>             __nlCurrentContext->variable[i].index = n ;
>             n++ ;
>         } else {
>             __nlCurrentContext->variable[i].index = ~0 ;
>         }
>     }
>     __nlCurrentContext->n = n ;
>     /* SSOR preconditioner requires rows and columns */
>     if(__nlCurrentContext->solver == NL_SSOR_CG) {
>         storage = (storage | __NL_COLUMNS) ;
>     }
>     /* a least squares problem results in a symmetric matrix */
>     if(__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) {
>         __nlCurrentContext->symmetric = NL_TRUE ;
>     }
>     if(__nlCurrentContext->symmetric) {
>         storage = (storage | __NL_SYMMETRIC) ;
>     }
>     /* SuperLU storage does not support symmetric storage */
>     if(
>         __nlCurrentContext->solver == NL_SUPERLU_EXT ||
>         __nlCurrentContext->solver == NL_PERMSUPERLU_EXT
>     ) {
>         storage = (storage & ~__NL_SYMMETRIC) ;
>     }
>     __nlSparseMatrixConstruct(&__nlCurrentContext->M, n, n, storage) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_M = NL_TRUE ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->x = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, n) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_x = NL_TRUE ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->b = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, n) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_b = NL_TRUE ;
>     __nlVariablesToVector() ;
>     __nlRowColumnConstruct(&__nlCurrentContext->af) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_af = NL_TRUE ;
>     __nlRowColumnConstruct(&__nlCurrentContext->al) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_al = NL_TRUE ;
>     __nlRowColumnConstruct(&__nlCurrentContext->xl) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_xl = NL_TRUE ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->current_row = 0 ;
> }
> void __nlEndMatrix() {
>     __nlRowColumnDestroy(&__nlCurrentContext->af) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_af = NL_FALSE ;
>     __nlRowColumnDestroy(&__nlCurrentContext->al) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_al = NL_FALSE ;
>     __nlRowColumnDestroy(&__nlCurrentContext->xl) ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->alloc_al = NL_FALSE ;
>     if(!__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) {
>         __nl_assert(
>             __nlCurrentContext->current_row ==
>             __nlCurrentContext->n
>         ) ;
>     }
> }
> void __nlBeginRow() {
>     __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_MATRIX, __NL_STATE_ROW) ;
>     __nlRowColumnZero(&__nlCurrentContext->af) ;
>     __nlRowColumnZero(&__nlCurrentContext->al) ;
> }
> void __nlScaleRow(NLdouble s) {
>     __NLRowColumn*    af = &__nlCurrentContext->af ;
>     __NLRowColumn*    al = &__nlCurrentContext->al ;
>     NLuint nf            = af->size ;
>     NLuint nl            = al->size ;
>     NLuint i ;
>     for(i=0; i<nf; i++) {
>         af->coeff[i].value *= s ;
>     }
>     for(i=0; i<nl; i++) {
>         al->coeff[i].value *= s ;
>     }
>     __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side *= s ;
> }
> void __nlNormalizeRow(NLdouble weight) {
>     __NLRowColumn*    af = &__nlCurrentContext->af ;
>     __NLRowColumn*    al = &__nlCurrentContext->al ;
>     NLuint nf            = af->size ;
>     NLuint nl            = al->size ;
>     NLuint i ;
>     NLdouble norm = 0.0 ;
>     for(i=0; i<nf; i++) {
>         norm += af->coeff[i].value * af->coeff[i].value ;
>     }
>     for(i=0; i<nl; i++) {
>         norm += al->coeff[i].value * al->coeff[i].value ;
>     }
>     norm = sqrt(norm) ;
>     __nlScaleRow(weight / norm) ;
> }
> void __nlEndRow() {
>     __NLRowColumn*    af = &__nlCurrentContext->af ;
>     __NLRowColumn*    al = &__nlCurrentContext->al ;
>     __NLRowColumn*    xl = &__nlCurrentContext->xl ;
>     __NLSparseMatrix* M  = &__nlCurrentContext->M  ;
>     NLdouble* b        = __nlCurrentContext->b ;
>     NLuint nf          = af->size ;
>     NLuint nl          = al->size ;
>     NLuint current_row = __nlCurrentContext->current_row ;
>     NLuint i ;
>     NLuint j ;
>     NLdouble S ;
>     __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_ROW, __NL_STATE_MATRIX) ;
>     if(__nlCurrentContext->normalize_rows) {
>         __nlNormalizeRow(__nlCurrentContext->row_scaling) ;
>     } else {
>         __nlScaleRow(__nlCurrentContext->row_scaling) ;
>     }
>     if(__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) {
>         for(i=0; i<nf; i++) {
>             for(j=0; j<nf; j++) {
>                 __nlSparseMatrixAdd(
>                     M, af->coeff[i].index, af->coeff[j].index,
>                     af->coeff[i].value * af->coeff[j].value
>                 ) ;
>             }
>         }
>         S = __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side ;
>         for(j=0; j<nl; j++) {
>             S += al->coeff[j].value * xl->coeff[j].value ;
>         }
>         for(i=0; i<nf; i++) {
>             b[ af->coeff[i].index ] -= af->coeff[i].value * S ;
>         }
>     } else {
>         for(i=0; i<nf; i++) {
>             __nlSparseMatrixAdd(M, current_row, af->coeff[i].index,
af->coeff[i].value) ;
>         }
>         b[current_row] = __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side ;
>         for(i=0; i<nl; i++) {
>             b[current_row] -= al->coeff[i].value * xl->coeff[i].value
>         }
>     }
>     __nlCurrentContext->current_row++ ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side = 0.0 ;
>     __nlCurrentContext->row_scaling     = 1.0 ;
> }
> void nlCoefficient(NLuint index, NLdouble value) {
>     __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_ROW) ;
>     __nl_range_assert(index, 0, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables - 1)
>     __NLVariable* v = &(__nlCurrentContext->variable[index]) ;
>     if(v->locked) {
>         __nlRowColumnAppend(&(__nlCurrentContext->al), 0, value) ;
>         __nlRowColumnAppend(&(__nlCurrentContext->xl), 0, v->value) ;
>     } else {
>         __nlRowColumnAppend(&(__nlCurrentContext->af), v->index,
value) ;
>     }
> }
> void nlBegin(NLenum prim) {
>     switch(prim) {
>     case NL_SYSTEM: {
>         __nlBeginSystem() ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_MATRIX: {
>         __nlBeginMatrix() ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_ROW: {
>         __nlBeginRow() ;
>     } break ;
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     }
>     }
> }
> void nlEnd(NLenum prim) {
>     switch(prim) {
>     case NL_SYSTEM: {
>         __nlEndSystem() ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_MATRIX: {
>         __nlEndMatrix() ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_ROW: {
>         __nlEndRow() ;
>     } break ;
>     default: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     }
>     }
> }
> /* BLAS routines */
> /*
>  * daxpy
>  * ddot
>  * dscal
>  * dnrm2
>  * dcopy
>  */
> #ifndef NL_USE_BLAS
> typedef NLint    integer ;
> typedef NLdouble doublereal ;
> /* Subroutine */ int daxpy_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal
> integer *incx, doublereal *dy, integer *incy)
> {
>     /* System generated locals */
>     integer i__1;
>     /* Local variables */
>     static integer i, m, ix, iy, mp1;
> /*     constant times a vector plus a vector.
>        uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.
>        jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
>        modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
>    Parameter adjustments
>        Function Body */
> #define DY(I) dy[(I)-1]
> #define DX(I) dx[(I)-1]
>     if (*n <= 0) {
> return 0;
>     }
>     if (*da == 0.) {
> return 0;
>     }
>     if (*incx == 1 && *incy == 1) {
> goto L20;
>     }
> /*        code for unequal increments or equal increments
>             not equal to 1 */
>     ix = 1;
>     iy = 1;
>     if (*incx < 0) {
> ix = (-(*n) + 1) * *incx + 1;
>     }
>     if (*incy < 0) {
> iy = (-(*n) + 1) * *incy + 1;
>     }
>     i__1 = *n;
>     for (i = 1; i <= *n; ++i) {
> DY(iy) += *da * DX(ix);
> ix += *incx;
> iy += *incy;
> /* L10: */
>     }
>     return 0;
> /*        code for both increments equal to 1
>           clean-up loop */
> L20:
>     m = *n % 4;
>     if (m == 0) {
> goto L40;
>     }
>     i__1 = m;
>     for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
> DY(i) += *da * DX(i);
> /* L30: */
>     }
>     if (*n < 4) {
> return 0;
>     }
> L40:
>     mp1 = m + 1;
>     i__1 = *n;
>     for (i = mp1; i <= *n; i += 4) {
> DY(i) += *da * DX(i);
> DY(i + 1) += *da * DX(i + 1);
> DY(i + 2) += *da * DX(i + 2);
> DY(i + 3) += *da * DX(i + 3);
> /* L50: */
>     }
>     return 0;
> } /* daxpy_ */
> #undef DY
> #undef DX
> doublereal ddot_(integer *n, doublereal *dx, integer *incx, doublereal
> integer *incy)
> {
>     /* System generated locals */
>     integer i__1;
>     doublereal ret_val;
>     /* Local variables */
>     static integer i, m;
>     static doublereal dtemp;
>     static integer ix, iy, mp1;
> /*     forms the dot product of two vectors.
>        uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.
>        jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
>        modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
>    Parameter adjustments
>        Function Body */
> #define DY(I) dy[(I)-1]
> #define DX(I) dx[(I)-1]
>     ret_val = 0.;
>     dtemp = 0.;
>     if (*n <= 0) {
> return ret_val;
>     }
>     if (*incx == 1 && *incy == 1) {
> goto L20;
>     }
> /*        code for unequal increments or equal increments
>             not equal to 1 */
>     ix = 1;
>     iy = 1;
>     if (*incx < 0) {
> ix = (-(*n) + 1) * *incx + 1;
>     }
>     if (*incy < 0) {
> iy = (-(*n) + 1) * *incy + 1;
>     }
>     i__1 = *n;
>     for (i = 1; i <= *n; ++i) {
> dtemp += DX(ix) * DY(iy);
> ix += *incx;
> iy += *incy;
> /* L10: */
>     }
>     ret_val = dtemp;
>     return ret_val;
> /*        code for both increments equal to 1
>           clean-up loop */
> L20:
>     m = *n % 5;
>     if (m == 0) {
> goto L40;
>     }
>     i__1 = m;
>     for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
> dtemp += DX(i) * DY(i);
> /* L30: */
>     }
>     if (*n < 5) {
> goto L60;
>     }
> L40:
>     mp1 = m + 1;
>     i__1 = *n;
>     for (i = mp1; i <= *n; i += 5) {
> dtemp = dtemp + DX(i) * DY(i) + DX(i + 1) * DY(i + 1) + DX(i + 2) *
> DY(i + 2) + DX(i + 3) * DY(i + 3) + DX(i + 4) * DY(i + 4);
> /* L50: */
>     }
> L60:
>     ret_val = dtemp;
>     return ret_val;
> } /* ddot_ */
> #undef DY
> #undef DX
> /* Subroutine */ int dscal_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal
>     integer *incx)
> {
>     /* System generated locals */
>     integer i__1, i__2;
>     /* Local variables */
>     static integer i, m, nincx, mp1;
> /*     scales a vector by a constant.
>        uses unrolled loops for increment equal to one.
>        jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
>        modified 3/93 to return if incx .le. 0.
>        modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
>    Parameter adjustments
>        Function Body */
> #ifdef DX
> #undef DX
> #endif
> #define DX(I) dx[(I)-1]
>     if (*n <= 0 || *incx <= 0) {
> return 0;
>     }
>     if (*incx == 1) {
> goto L20;
>     }
> /*        code for increment not equal to 1 */
>     nincx = *n * *incx;
>     i__1 = nincx;
>     i__2 = *incx;
>     for (i = 1; *incx < 0 ? i >= nincx : i <= nincx; i += *incx) {
> DX(i) = *da * DX(i);
> /* L10: */
>     }
>     return 0;
> /*        code for increment equal to 1
>           clean-up loop */
> L20:
>     m = *n % 5;
>     if (m == 0) {
> goto L40;
>     }
>     i__2 = m;
>     for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
> DX(i) = *da * DX(i);
> /* L30: */
>     }
>     if (*n < 5) {
> return 0;
>     }
> L40:
>     mp1 = m + 1;
>     i__2 = *n;
>     for (i = mp1; i <= *n; i += 5) {
> DX(i) = *da * DX(i);
> DX(i + 1) = *da * DX(i + 1);
> DX(i + 2) = *da * DX(i + 2);
> DX(i + 3) = *da * DX(i + 3);
> DX(i + 4) = *da * DX(i + 4);
> /* L50: */
>     }
>     return 0;
> } /* dscal_ */
> #undef DX
> doublereal dnrm2_(integer *n, doublereal *x, integer *incx)
> {
>     /* System generated locals */
>     integer i__1, i__2;
>     doublereal ret_val, d__1;
>     /* Builtin functions */
>     double sqrt(doublereal);
>     /* Local variables */
>     static doublereal norm, scale, absxi;
>     static integer ix;
>     static doublereal ssq;
> /*  DNRM2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector via the function
>     name, so that
>        DNRM2 := sqrt( x'*x )
>     -- This version written on 25-October-1982.
>        Modified on 14-October-1993 to inline the call to DLASSQ.
>        Sven Hammarling, Nag Ltd.
>    Parameter adjustments
>        Function Body */
> #ifdef X
> #undef X
> #endif
> #define X(I) x[(I)-1]
>     if (*n < 1 || *incx < 1) {
> norm = 0.;
>     } else if (*n == 1) {
> norm = abs(X(1));
>     } else {
> scale = 0.;
> ssq = 1.;
> /*        The following loop is equivalent to this call to the LAPACK
>           auxiliary routine:
>           CALL DLASSQ( N, X, INCX, SCALE, SSQ ) */
> i__1 = (*n - 1) * *incx + 1;
> i__2 = *incx;
> for (ix = 1; *incx < 0 ? ix >= (*n-1)**incx+1 : ix <= (*n-1)**incx+1;
ix += *incx) {
>     if (X(ix) != 0.) {
> absxi = (d__1 = X(ix), abs(d__1));
> if (scale < absxi) {
> /* Computing 2nd power */
>     d__1 = scale / absxi;
>     ssq = ssq * (d__1 * d__1) + 1.;
>     scale = absxi;
> } else {
> /* Computing 2nd power */
>     d__1 = absxi / scale;
>     ssq += d__1 * d__1;
> }
>     }
> /* L10: */
> }
> norm = scale * sqrt(ssq);
>     }
>     ret_val = norm;
>     return ret_val;
> /*     End of DNRM2. */
> } /* dnrm2_ */
> #undef X
> /* Subroutine */ int dcopy_(integer *n, doublereal *dx, integer *incx,
> doublereal *dy, integer *incy)
> {
>     /* System generated locals */
>     integer i__1;
>     /* Local variables */
>     static integer i, m, ix, iy, mp1;
> /*     copies a vector, x, to a vector, y.
>        uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.
>        jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.
>        modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)
>    Parameter adjustments
>        Function Body */
> #define DY(I) dy[(I)-1]
> #define DX(I) dx[(I)-1]
>     if (*n <= 0) {
> return 0;
>     }
>     if (*incx == 1 && *incy == 1) {
> goto L20;
>     }
> /*        code for unequal increments or equal increments
>             not equal to 1 */
>     ix = 1;
>     iy = 1;
>     if (*incx < 0) {
> ix = (-(*n) + 1) * *incx + 1;
>     }
>     if (*incy < 0) {
> iy = (-(*n) + 1) * *incy + 1;
>     }
>     i__1 = *n;
>     for (i = 1; i <= *n; ++i) {
> DY(iy) = DX(ix);
> ix += *incx;
> iy += *incy;
> /* L10: */
>     }
>     return 0;
> /*        code for both increments equal to 1
>           clean-up loop */
> L20:
>     m = *n % 7;
>     if (m == 0) {
> goto L40;
>     }
>     i__1 = m;
>     for (i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
> DY(i) = DX(i);
> /* L30: */
>     }
>     if (*n < 7) {
> return 0;
>     }
> L40:
>     mp1 = m + 1;
>     i__1 = *n;
>     for (i = mp1; i <= *n; i += 7) {
> DY(i) = DX(i);
> DY(i + 1) = DX(i + 1);
> DY(i + 2) = DX(i + 2);
> DY(i + 3) = DX(i + 3);
> DY(i + 4) = DX(i + 4);
> DY(i + 5) = DX(i + 5);
> DY(i + 6) = DX(i + 6);
> /* L50: */
>     }
>     return 0;
> } /* dcopy_ */
> #undef DX
> #undef DY
> #else
> extern void daxpy_(
>     int *n, double *alpha, double *x,
>     int *incx, double *y, int *incy
> ) ;
> extern double ddot_(
>     int *n, double *x, int *incx, double *y,
>     int *incy
> ) ;
> extern double dnrm2_( int *n, double *x, int *incx ) ;
> extern int dcopy_(int* n, double* dx, int* incx, double* dy, int*
incy) ;
> extern void dscal_(int* n, double* alpha, double *x, int* incx) ;
> #endif
> /* C wrappers for BLAS routines */
> /* x <- a*x */
> static void dscal( int n, double alpha, double *x, int incx ) {
>     dscal_(&n,&alpha,x,&incx);
> }
> /* y <- x */
> static void dcopy(
>     int n, double *x, int incx, double *y, int incy
> ) {
>     dcopy_(&n,x,&incx,y,&incy);
> }
> /* y <- a*x+y */
> static void daxpy(
>     int n, double alpha, double *x, int incx, double *y,
>     int incy
> ) {
>     daxpy_(&n,&alpha,x,&incx,y,&incy);
> }
> /* returns x^T*y */
> static double ddot(
>     int n, double *x, int incx, double *y, int incy
> ) {
>     return ddot_(&n,x,&incx,y,&incy);
> }
> /** returns |x|_2 */
> static double dnrm2( int n, double *x, int incx ) {
>     double d=0.;
>     while ( n-- ) {
>         d+=(*x)*(*x);
>         x+=incx ;
>     }
>     return sqrt(d);
> //        return dnrm2_(&n,x,&incx);
> }
> /* Solvers */
> static NLuint __nlSolve_CG(
>     __NLSparseMatrix* A,
>     NLdouble* b, NLdouble* x,
>     NLdouble eps, NLuint max_iter
> ) {
>     NLint     N = A->n ;
>     NLdouble *g = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, N) ;
>     NLdouble *r = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, N) ;
>     NLdouble *p = __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, N) ;
>     NLuint its=0;
>     NLdouble t, tau, sig, rho, gam;
>     NLdouble err=eps*eps*ddot(N,b,1,b,1);
>     __nlSparseMatrixMult(A,x,g);
>     daxpy(N,-1.,b,1,g,1);
>     dscal(N,-1.,g,1);
>     dcopy(N,g,1,r,1);
>     while ( ddot(N,g,1,g,1)>err && its < max_iter) {
>         __nlSparseMatrixMult(A,r,p);
>         rho=ddot(N,p,1,p,1);
>         sig=ddot(N,r,1,p,1);
>         tau=ddot(N,g,1,r,1);
>         t=tau/sig;
>         daxpy(N,t,r,1,x,1);
>         daxpy(N,-t,p,1,g,1);
>         gam=(t*t*rho-tau)/tau;
>         dscal(N,gam,r,1);
>         daxpy(N,1.,g,1,r,1);
>         ++its;
>     }
>     __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(g) ;
>     __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(r) ;
>     __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(p) ;
>     return its;
> }
> NLboolean nlSolve() {
>     switch(__nlCurrentContext->solver) {
>     case NL_CG: {
>         __nlCurrentContext->used_iterations =
>             __nlSolve_CG(
>                 &(__nlCurrentContext->M),
>                 __nlCurrentContext->b,
>                 __nlCurrentContext->x,
>                 __nlCurrentContext->threshold,
>                 __nlCurrentContext->max_iterations
>             ) ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_JACOBI_CG: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_SSOR_CG: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_BICGSTAB: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_GMRES: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_SUPERLU_EXT: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     case NL_PERMSUPERLU_EXT: {
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     } break ;
>     default:
>         __nl_assert_not_reached ;
>     }
>     __nlVectorToVariables() ;
>     return NL_TRUE ;
> }

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 *  OpenNL: Numerical Library
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 Bruno Levy
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 *  If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
 *  name of the person performing the modification, the date of =
 *  and the reason for such modification.
 *  Contact: Bruno Levy
 *     levy@loria.fr
 *     ISA Project
 *     LORIA, INRIA Lorraine,=20
 *     Campus Scientifique, BP 239
 *     FRANCE
 *  Note that the GNU General Public License does not permit =
 *  the Software into proprietary programs.=20

#ifndef __nl_h__
#define __nl_h__

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define NL_VERSION_0_0 1

#define NLAPI

 * Datatypes

    typedef unsigned int	NLenum;
    typedef unsigned char	NLboolean;
    typedef unsigned int	NLbitfield;
    typedef void		NLvoid;
    typedef signed char	        NLbyte;		/* 1-byte signed */
    typedef short		NLshort;	/* 2-byte signed */
    typedef int		        NLint;		/* 4-byte signed */
    typedef unsigned char	NLubyte;	/* 1-byte unsigned */
    typedef unsigned short	NLushort;	/* 2-byte unsigned */
    typedef unsigned int	NLuint;		/* 4-byte unsigned */
    typedef int		        NLsizei;	/* 4-byte signed */
    typedef float		NLfloat;	/* single precision float */
    typedef double		NLdouble;	/* double precision float */

    typedef void* NLContext ;

 * Constants

#define NL_FALSE   0x0
#define NL_TRUE    0x1

/* Primitives */

#define NL_SYSTEM  0x0
#define NL_MATRIX  0x1
#define NL_ROW     0x2

/* Solver Parameters */

#define NL_SOLVER          0x100
#define NL_NB_VARIABLES    0x101
#define NL_LEAST_SQUARES   0x102
#define NL_MAX_ITERATIONS  0x103
#define NL_THRESHOLD       0x104
#define NL_OMEGA           0x105
#define NL_SYMMETRIC       0x106
#define NL_USED_ITERATIONS 0x107
#define NL_ERROR           0x108

/* Solvers */

#define NL_CG              0x200
#define NL_JACOBI_CG       0x201
#define NL_SSOR_CG         0x202
#define NL_BICGSTAB        0x203
#define NL_GMRES           0x204
#define NL_SUPERLU_EXT     0x210
#define NL_PERMSUPERLU_EXT 0x211

/* Enable / Disable */

#define NL_NORMALIZE_ROWS 0x300

/* Row parameters */

#define RIGHT_HAND_SIDE 0x400
#define ROW_SCALING     0x401

 * Contexts
    NLAPI NLContext NLAPIENTRY nlNewContext() ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlDeleteContext(NLContext context) ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlMakeCurrent(NLContext context) ;
    NLAPI NLContext NLAPIENTRY nlGetCurrent() ;
    NLAPI NLboolean NLAPIENTRY nlInitExtension(char* extension) ;

 * State set/get

    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlSolverParameterd(NLenum pname, NLdouble =
param) ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlSolverParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint param) =

    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlRowParameterd(NLenum pname, NLdouble param) =
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlRowParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint param) ;

    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlGetBooleanv(NLenum pname, NLboolean* params) =
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlGetDoublev(NLenum pname, NLdouble* params) ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlGetIntergerv(NLenum pname, NLint* params) ;

    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlEnable(NLenum pname) ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlDisable(NLenum pname) ;
    NLAPI NLboolean nlIsEnabled(NLenum pname) ;

 * Variables
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlSetVariable(NLuint index, NLdouble value) ;
    NLAPI NLdouble NLAPIENTRY nlGetVariable(NLuint index) ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlLockVariable(NLuint index) ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlUnlockVariable(NLuint index) ;
    NLAPI NLboolean NLAPIENTRY nlVariableIsLocked(NLuint index) ;

 * Begin/End

    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlBegin(NLenum primitive) ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlEnd(NLenum primitive) ;
    NLAPI void NLAPIENTRY nlCoefficient(NLuint index, NLdouble value) ;

 * Solve

    NLAPI NLboolean NLAPIENTRY nlSolve() ;

#ifdef __cplusplus


Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;

 *  OpenNL: Numerical Library
 *  Copyright (C) 2004 Bruno Levy
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 *  If you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the
 *  name of the person performing the modification, the date of =
 *  and the reason for such modification.
 *  Contact: Bruno Levy
 *     levy@loria.fr
 *     ISA Project
 *     LORIA, INRIA Lorraine,=20
 *     Campus Scientifique, BP 239
 *     FRANCE
 *  Note that the GNU General Public License does not permit =
 *  the Software into proprietary programs.=20

#include "nl.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>

/* Assertions */

static void __nl_assertion_failed(char* cond, char* file, int line) {
        "OpenNL assertion failed: %s, file:%s, line:%d\n",
    ) ;
    abort() ;

static void __nl_range_assertion_failed(
    double x, double min_val, double max_val, char* file, int line
) {
        "OpenNL range assertion failed: %f in [ %f ... %f ], file:%s, =
        x, min_val, max_val, file,line
    ) ;
    abort() ;

static void __nl_should_not_have_reached(char* file, int line) {
        "OpenNL should not have reached this point: file:%s, line:%d\n",
    ) ;
    abort() ;

#define __nl_assert(x) {                                        \
    if(!(x)) {                                                  \
        __nl_assertion_failed(#x,__FILE__, __LINE__) ;          \
    }                                                           \

#define __nl_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val) {                  \
    if(((x) < (min_val)) || ((x) > (max_val))) {                \
        __nl_range_assertion_failed(x, min_val, max_val,        \
            __FILE__, __LINE__                                  \
        ) ;                                                     \
    }                                                           \

#define __nl_assert_not_reached {                               \
    __nl_should_not_have_reached(__FILE__, __LINE__) ;          \

#ifdef NL_DEBUG
#define __nl_debug_assert(x) __nl_assert(x)
#define __nl_debug_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val) =
#define __nl_debug_assert(x)=20
#define __nl_debug_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val)=20

#define __nl_parano_assert(x) __nl_assert(x)
#define __nl_parano_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val) =
#define __nl_parano_assert(x)=20
#define __nl_parano_range_assert(x,min_val,max_val)=20

/* Error-reporting function */

static void __nl_error(char* function, char* message) {
    fprintf(stderr, "OpenNL error in %s(): %s\n", function, message) ;=20

/* classic macros */

#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(x,y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))=20

#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(x,y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))=20

/* memory management */

#define __NL_NEW(T)                (T*)(calloc(1, sizeof(T)))=20
#define __NL_NEW_ARRAY(T,NB)       (T*)(calloc((NB),sizeof(T)))=20
#define __NL_RENEW_ARRAY(T,x,NB)   (T*)(realloc(x,(NB)*sizeof(T)))=20
#define __NL_DELETE(x)             free(x); x =3D NULL=20
#define __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(x)       free(x); x =3D NULL

#define __NL_CLEAR(T, x)           memset(x, 0, sizeof(T))=20
#define __NL_CLEAR_ARRAY(T,x,NB)   memset(x, 0, (NB)*sizeof(T))=20

/* Dynamic arrays for sparse row/columns */

typedef struct {
    NLuint   index ;
    NLdouble value ;
} __NLCoeff ;

typedef struct {
    NLuint size ;
    NLuint capacity ;
    __NLCoeff* coeff ;
} __NLRowColumn ;

static void __nlRowColumnConstruct(__NLRowColumn* c) {
    c->size     =3D 0 ;
    c->capacity =3D 0 ;
    c->coeff    =3D NULL ;

static void __nlRowColumnDestroy(__NLRowColumn* c) {
    __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(c->coeff) ;
    __NL_CLEAR(__NLRowColumn, c) ;=20

static void __nlRowColumnGrow(__NLRowColumn* c) {
    if(c->capacity !=3D 0) {
        c->capacity =3D 2 * c->capacity ;
        c->coeff =3D __NL_RENEW_ARRAY(__NLCoeff, c->coeff, c->capacity) =
    } else {
        c->capacity =3D 4 ;
        c->coeff =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(__NLCoeff, c->capacity) ;

static void __nlRowColumnAdd(__NLRowColumn* c, NLint index, NLdouble =
value) {
    NLuint i ;
    for(i=3D0; i<c->size; i++) {
        if(c->coeff[i].index =3D=3D index) {
            c->coeff[i].value +=3D value ;
            return ;
    if(c->size =3D=3D c->capacity) {
        __nlRowColumnGrow(c) ;
    c->coeff[c->size].index =3D index ;
    c->coeff[c->size].value =3D value ;
    c->size++ ;

/* Does not check whether the index already exists */
static void __nlRowColumnAppend(__NLRowColumn* c, NLint index, NLdouble =
value) {
    if(c->size =3D=3D c->capacity) {
        __nlRowColumnGrow(c) ;
    c->coeff[c->size].index =3D index ;
    c->coeff[c->size].value =3D value ;
    c->size++ ;

static void __nlRowColumnZero(__NLRowColumn* c) {
    c->size =3D 0 ;

static void __nlRowColumnClear(__NLRowColumn* c) {
    c->size     =3D 0 ;
    c->capacity =3D 0 ;
    __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(c->coeff) ;

/* SparseMatrix data structure */

#define __NL_ROWS      1
#define __NL_COLUMNS   2
#define __NL_SYMMETRIC 4

typedef struct {
    NLuint m ;
    NLuint n ;
    NLuint diag_size ;
    NLenum storage ;
    __NLRowColumn* row ;
    __NLRowColumn* column ;
    NLdouble*      diag ;
} __NLSparseMatrix ;

static void __nlSparseMatrixConstruct(
    __NLSparseMatrix* M, NLuint m, NLuint n, NLenum storage
) {
    NLuint i ;
    M->m =3D m ;
    M->n =3D n ;
    M->storage =3D storage ;
    if(storage & __NL_ROWS) {
        M->row =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(__NLRowColumn, m) ;
        for(i=3D0; i<n; i++) {
            __nlRowColumnConstruct(&(M->row[i])) ;
    } else {
        M->row =3D NULL ;

    if(storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
        M->column =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(__NLRowColumn, n) ;
        for(i=3D0; i<n; i++) {
            __nlRowColumnConstruct(&(M->column[i])) ;
    } else {
        M->column =3D NULL ;

    M->diag_size =3D MIN(m,n) ;
    M->diag =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, M->diag_size) ;

static void __nlSparseMatrixDestroy(__NLSparseMatrix* M) {
    NLuint i ;
    __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(M->diag) ;
    if(M->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
        for(i=3D0; i<M->m; i++) {
            __nlRowColumnDestroy(&(M->row[i])) ;
        __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(M->row) ;
    if(M->storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
        for(i=3D0; i<M->n; i++) {
            __nlRowColumnDestroy(&(M->column[i])) ;
        __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(M->column) ;
    __NL_CLEAR(__NLSparseMatrix,M) ;

static void __nlSparseMatrixAdd(
    __NLSparseMatrix* M, NLuint i, NLuint j, NLdouble value
) {
    __nl_parano_range_assert(i, 0, M->m - 1) ;
    __nl_parano_range_assert(j, 0, M->n - 1) ;
    if((M->storage & __NL_SYMMETRIC) && (j > i)) {
        return ;
    if(i =3D=3D j) {
        M->diag[i] +=3D value ;
    if(M->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
        __nlRowColumnAdd(&(M->row[i]), j, value) ;
    if(M->storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
        __nlRowColumnAdd(&(M->column[j]), i, value) ;

static void __nlSparseMatrixZero( __NLSparseMatrix* M) {
    NLuint i ;
    if(M->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
        for(i=3D0; i<M->m; i++) {
            __nlRowColumnZero(&(M->row[i])) ;
    if(M->storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
        for(i=3D0; i<M->n; i++) {
            __nlRowColumnZero(&(M->column[i])) ;
    __NL_CLEAR_ARRAY(NLdouble, M->diag, M->diag_size) ;   =20

static void __nlSparseMatrixClear( __NLSparseMatrix* M) {
    NLuint i ;
    if(M->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
        for(i=3D0; i<M->m; i++) {
            __nlRowColumnClear(&(M->row[i])) ;
    if(M->storage & __NL_COLUMNS) {
        for(i=3D0; i<M->n; i++) {
            __nlRowColumnClear(&(M->column[i])) ;
    __NL_CLEAR_ARRAY(NLdouble, M->diag, M->diag_size) ;   =20

/* SparseMatrix x Vector routines, internal helper routines */

static void __nlSparseMatrix_mult_rows_symmetric(
    __NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y
) {
    NLuint m =3D A->m ;
    NLuint i,ij ;
    __NLRowColumn* Ri =3D NULL ;
    __NLCoeff* c =3D NULL ;
    for(i=3D0; i<m; i++) {
        y[i] =3D 0 ;
        Ri =3D &(A->row[i]) ;
        for(ij=3D0; ij<Ri->size; ij++) {
            c =3D &(Ri->coeff[ij]) ;
            y[i] +=3D c->value * x[c->index] ;
            if(i !=3D c->index) {
                y[c->index] +=3D c->value * x[i] ;

static void __nlSparseMatrix_mult_rows(
    __NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y
) {
    NLuint m =3D A->m ;
    NLuint i,ij ;
    __NLRowColumn* Ri =3D NULL ;
    __NLCoeff* c =3D NULL ;
    for(i=3D0; i<m; i++) {
        y[i] =3D 0 ;
        Ri =3D &(A->row[i]) ;
        for(ij=3D0; ij<Ri->size; ij++) {
            c =3D &(Ri->coeff[ij]) ;
            y[i] +=3D c->value * x[c->index] ;

static void __nlSparseMatrix_mult_cols_symmetric(
    __NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y
) {
    NLuint n =3D A->n ;
    NLuint j,ii ;
    __NLRowColumn* Cj =3D NULL ;
    __NLCoeff* c =3D NULL ;
    for(j=3D0; j<n; j++) {
        y[j] =3D 0 ;
        Cj =3D &(A->column[j]) ;
        for(ii=3D0; ii<Cj->size; ii++) {
            c =3D &(Cj->coeff[ii]) ;
            y[c->index] +=3D c->value * x[j] ;
            if(j !=3D c->index) {
                y[j] +=3D c->value * x[c->index] ;

static void __nlSparseMatrix_mult_cols(
    __NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y
) {
    __NL_CLEAR_ARRAY(NLdouble, y, A->m) ;
    NLuint n =3D A->n ;
    NLuint j,ii ;=20
    __NLRowColumn* Cj =3D NULL ;
    __NLCoeff* c =3D NULL ;
    for(j=3D0; j<n; j++) {
        Cj =3D &(A->column[j]) ;
        for(ii=3D0; ii<Cj->size; ii++) {
            c =3D &(Cj->coeff[ii]) ;
            y[c->index] +=3D c->value * x[j] ;

/* SparseMatrix x Vector routines, main driver routine */

void __nlSparseMatrixMult(__NLSparseMatrix* A, NLdouble* x, NLdouble* y) =
    if(A->storage & __NL_ROWS) {
        if(A->storage & __NL_SYMMETRIC) {
            __nlSparseMatrix_mult_rows_symmetric(A, x, y) ;
        } else {
            __nlSparseMatrix_mult_rows(A, x, y) ;
    } else {
        if(A->storage & __NL_SYMMETRIC) {
            __nlSparseMatrix_mult_cols_symmetric(A, x, y) ;
        } else {
            __nlSparseMatrix_mult_cols(A, x, y) ;

/* NLContext data structure */

typedef struct {
    NLdouble  value ;
    NLboolean locked ;
    NLuint    index ;
} __NLVariable ;

#define __NL_STATE_INITIAL            0
#define __NL_STATE_SYSTEM             1
#define __NL_STATE_MATRIX             2
#define __NL_STATE_ROW                3
#define __NL_STATE_SOLVED             6

typedef struct {
    NLenum           state ;
    __NLVariable*    variable ;
    NLuint           n ;
    __NLSparseMatrix M ;
    __NLRowColumn    af ;
    __NLRowColumn    al ;
    __NLRowColumn    xl ;
    NLdouble*        x ;
    NLdouble*        b ;
    NLdouble         right_hand_side ;
    NLdouble         row_scaling ;
    NLenum           solver ;
    NLuint           nb_variables ;
    NLuint           current_row ;
    NLboolean        least_squares ;
    NLboolean        symmetric ;
    NLuint           max_iterations ;
    NLdouble         threshold ;
    NLdouble         omega ;
    NLboolean        normalize_rows ;
    NLboolean        alloc_M ;
    NLboolean        alloc_af ;
    NLboolean        alloc_al ;
    NLboolean        alloc_xl ;
    NLboolean        alloc_variable ;
    NLboolean        alloc_x ;
    NLboolean        alloc_b ;
    NLuint           used_iterations ;
    NLdouble         error ;
} __NLContext ;

static __NLContext* __nlCurrentContext =3D NULL ;

NLContext nlNewContext() {
    __NLContext* result     =3D __NL_NEW(__NLContext) ;

    result->state           =3D __NL_STATE_INITIAL ;
    result->solver          =3D NL_BICGSTAB ;
    result->max_iterations  =3D 100 ;
    result->threshold       =3D 1e-6 ;
    result->omega           =3D 1.5 ;
    result->row_scaling     =3D 1.0 ;
    return result ;

void nlDeleteContext(NLContext context_in) {
    __NLContext* context =3D (__NLContext*)(context_in) ;
    if(__nlCurrentContext =3D=3D context) {
        __nlCurrentContext =3D NULL ;
    if(context->alloc_M) {
        __nlSparseMatrixDestroy(&context->M) ;
    if(context->alloc_af) {
        __nlRowColumnDestroy(&context->af) ;
    if(context->alloc_al) {
        __nlRowColumnDestroy(&context->al) ;
    if(context->alloc_xl) {
        __nlRowColumnDestroy(&context->xl) ;
    if(context->alloc_variable) {
        __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(context->variable) ;
    if(context->alloc_x) {
        __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(context->x) ;
    if(context->alloc_b) {
        __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(context->b) ;

    __NL_CLEAR(__NLContext, context) ;
    __NL_DELETE(context) ;

void nlMakeCurrent(NLContext context) {
    __nlCurrentContext =3D (__NLContext*)(context) ;

NLContext nlGetCurrent() {
    return __nlCurrentContext ;

NLboolean nlInitExtension(char* extension) {
    return NL_FALSE ;

void __nlCheckState(NLenum state) {
    __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state =3D=3D state) ;

void __nlTransition(NLenum from_state, NLenum to_state) {
    __nlCheckState(from_state) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->state =3D to_state ;

/* Get/Set parameters */

void nlSolverParameterd(NLenum pname, NLdouble param) {
    __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_INITIAL) ;
    switch(pname) {
    case NL_SOLVER: {
        __nlCurrentContext->solver =3D (NLenum)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_NB_VARIABLES: {
        __nl_assert(param > 0) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables =3D (NLuint)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
        __nlCurrentContext->least_squares =3D (NLboolean)param ;
    } break ;
        __nl_assert(param > 0) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->max_iterations =3D (NLuint)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_THRESHOLD: {
        __nl_assert(param >=3D 0) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->threshold =3D (NLdouble)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_OMEGA: {
        __nl_range_assert(param,1.0,2.0) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->omega =3D (NLdouble)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
        __nlCurrentContext->symmetric =3D (NLboolean)param ;       =20
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;

void nlSolverParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint param) {
    __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_INITIAL) ;
    switch(pname) {
    case NL_SOLVER: {
        __nlCurrentContext->solver =3D (NLenum)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_NB_VARIABLES: {
        __nl_assert(param > 0) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables =3D (NLuint)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
        __nlCurrentContext->least_squares =3D (NLboolean)param ;
    } break ;
        __nl_assert(param > 0) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->max_iterations =3D (NLuint)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_THRESHOLD: {
        __nl_assert(param >=3D 0) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->threshold =3D (NLdouble)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_OMEGA: {
        __nl_range_assert(param,1,2) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->omega =3D (NLdouble)param ;
    } break ;
    case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
        __nlCurrentContext->symmetric =3D (NLboolean)param ;       =20
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;

void nlRowParameterd(NLenum pname, NLdouble param) {
    __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_MATRIX) ;
    switch(pname) {
    case RIGHT_HAND_SIDE: {
        __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side =3D param ;
    } break ;
    case ROW_SCALING: {
        __nlCurrentContext->row_scaling =3D param ;
    } break ;

void nlRowParameteri(NLenum pname, NLint param) {
    __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_MATRIX) ;
    switch(pname) {
    case RIGHT_HAND_SIDE: {
        __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side =3D (NLdouble)param ;
    } break ;
    case ROW_SCALING: {
        __nlCurrentContext->row_scaling =3D (NLdouble)param ;
    } break ;

void nlGetBooleanv(NLenum pname, NLboolean* params) {
    switch(pname) {
    case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
        *params =3D __nlCurrentContext->least_squares ;
    } break ;
    case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
        *params =3D __nlCurrentContext->symmetric ;
    } break ;
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;

void nlGetDoublev(NLenum pname, NLdouble* params) {
    switch(pname) {
    case NL_SOLVER: {
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->solver) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_NB_VARIABLES: {
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) ;
    } break ;
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->max_iterations) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_THRESHOLD: {
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->threshold) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_OMEGA: {
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->omega) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->symmetric) ;
    } break ;
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->used_iterations) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_ERROR: {
        *params =3D (NLdouble)(__nlCurrentContext->error) ;
    } break ;
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;

void nlGetIntergerv(NLenum pname, NLint* params) {
    switch(pname) {
    case NL_SOLVER: {
        *params =3D (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->solver) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_NB_VARIABLES: {
        *params =3D (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_LEAST_SQUARES: {
        *params =3D (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) ;
    } break ;
        *params =3D (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->max_iterations) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_THRESHOLD: {
        *params =3D (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->threshold) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_OMEGA: {
        *params =3D (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->omega) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_SYMMETRIC: {
        *params =3D (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->symmetric) ;
    } break ;
        *params =3D (NLint)(__nlCurrentContext->used_iterations) ;
    } break ;
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;

/* Enable / Disable */

void nlEnable(NLenum pname) {
    switch(pname) {
        __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state !=3D __NL_STATE_ROW) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->normalize_rows =3D NL_TRUE ;
    } break ;
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;

void nlDisable(NLenum pname) {
    switch(pname) {
        __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state !=3D __NL_STATE_ROW) ;
        __nlCurrentContext->normalize_rows =3D NL_FALSE ;
    } break ;
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;

NLboolean nlIsEnabled(NLenum pname) {
    switch(pname) {
        return __nlCurrentContext->normalize_rows ;
    } break ;
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    return NL_FALSE ;

/* Get/Set Lock/Unlock variables */

void nlSetVariable(NLuint index, NLdouble value) {
    __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_SYSTEM) ;
    __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables =
- 1) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].value =3D value ;   =20

NLdouble nlGetVariable(NLuint index) {
    __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state !=3D __NL_STATE_INITIAL) ;
    __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables =
- 1) ;
    return __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].value ;

void nlLockVariable(NLuint index) {
    __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_SYSTEM) ;
    __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables =
- 1) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].locked =3D NL_TRUE ;

void nlUnlockVariable(NLuint index) {
    __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_SYSTEM) ;
    __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables =
- 1) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].locked =3D NL_FALSE ;

NLboolean nlVariableIsLocked(NLuint index) {
    __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->state !=3D __NL_STATE_INITIAL) ;
    __nl_parano_range_assert(index, 0, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables =
- 1) ;
    return __nlCurrentContext->variable[index].locked  ;

/* System construction */

void __nlVariablesToVector() {
    __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->alloc_x) ;
    __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->alloc_variable) ;
    NLuint i ;
    for(i=3D0; i<__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables; i++) {
        __NLVariable* v =3D &(__nlCurrentContext->variable[i]) ;
        if(!v->locked) {
            __nl_assert(v->index < __nlCurrentContext->n) ;
            __nlCurrentContext->x[v->index] =3D v->value ;

void __nlVectorToVariables() {
    __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->alloc_x) ;
    __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->alloc_variable) ;
    NLuint i ;
    for(i=3D0; i<__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables; i++) {
        __NLVariable* v =3D &(__nlCurrentContext->variable[i]) ;
        if(!v->locked) {
            __nl_assert(v->index < __nlCurrentContext->n) ;
            v->value =3D __nlCurrentContext->x[v->index] ;

void __nlBeginSystem() {
    __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_INITIAL, __NL_STATE_SYSTEM) ;
    __nl_assert(__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables > 0) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->variable =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(
        __NLVariable, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables
    ) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_variable =3D NL_TRUE ;

void __nlEndSystem() {
    __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_MATRIX_CONSTRUCTED, =

void __nlBeginMatrix() {
    NLuint i ;
    NLuint n =3D 0 ;
    NLenum storage =3D __NL_ROWS ;

    __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_SYSTEM, __NL_STATE_MATRIX) ;

    for(i=3D0; i<__nlCurrentContext->nb_variables; i++) {
        if(!__nlCurrentContext->variable[i].locked) {
            __nlCurrentContext->variable[i].index =3D n ;
            n++ ;
        } else {
            __nlCurrentContext->variable[i].index =3D ~0 ;

    __nlCurrentContext->n =3D n ;

    /* SSOR preconditioner requires rows and columns */
    if(__nlCurrentContext->solver =3D=3D NL_SSOR_CG) {
        storage =3D (storage | __NL_COLUMNS) ;

    /* a least squares problem results in a symmetric matrix */
    if(__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) {
        __nlCurrentContext->symmetric =3D NL_TRUE ;

    if(__nlCurrentContext->symmetric) {
        storage =3D (storage | __NL_SYMMETRIC) ;

    /* SuperLU storage does not support symmetric storage */
        __nlCurrentContext->solver =3D=3D NL_SUPERLU_EXT ||
        __nlCurrentContext->solver =3D=3D NL_PERMSUPERLU_EXT=20
    ) {
        storage =3D (storage & ~__NL_SYMMETRIC) ;

    __nlSparseMatrixConstruct(&__nlCurrentContext->M, n, n, storage) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_M =3D NL_TRUE ;

    __nlCurrentContext->x =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, n) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_x =3D NL_TRUE ;
    __nlCurrentContext->b =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, n) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_b =3D NL_TRUE ;

    __nlVariablesToVector() ;

    __nlRowColumnConstruct(&__nlCurrentContext->af) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_af =3D NL_TRUE ;
    __nlRowColumnConstruct(&__nlCurrentContext->al) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_al =3D NL_TRUE ;
    __nlRowColumnConstruct(&__nlCurrentContext->xl) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_xl =3D NL_TRUE ;

    __nlCurrentContext->current_row =3D 0 ;

void __nlEndMatrix() {
    __nlRowColumnDestroy(&__nlCurrentContext->af) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_af =3D NL_FALSE ;
    __nlRowColumnDestroy(&__nlCurrentContext->al) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_al =3D NL_FALSE ;
    __nlRowColumnDestroy(&__nlCurrentContext->xl) ;
    __nlCurrentContext->alloc_al =3D NL_FALSE ;
    if(!__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) {
            __nlCurrentContext->current_row =3D=3D=20
        ) ;

void __nlBeginRow() {
    __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_MATRIX, __NL_STATE_ROW) ;
    __nlRowColumnZero(&__nlCurrentContext->af) ;
    __nlRowColumnZero(&__nlCurrentContext->al) ;

void __nlScaleRow(NLdouble s) {
    __NLRowColumn*    af =3D &__nlCurrentContext->af ;
    __NLRowColumn*    al =3D &__nlCurrentContext->al ;
    NLuint nf            =3D af->size ;
    NLuint nl            =3D al->size ;
    NLuint i ;
    for(i=3D0; i<nf; i++) {
        af->coeff[i].value *=3D s ;
    for(i=3D0; i<nl; i++) {
        al->coeff[i].value *=3D s ;
    __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side *=3D s ;

void __nlNormalizeRow(NLdouble weight) {
    __NLRowColumn*    af =3D &__nlCurrentContext->af ;
    __NLRowColumn*    al =3D &__nlCurrentContext->al ;
    NLuint nf            =3D af->size ;
    NLuint nl            =3D al->size ;
    NLuint i ;
    NLdouble norm =3D 0.0 ;
    for(i=3D0; i<nf; i++) {
        norm +=3D af->coeff[i].value * af->coeff[i].value ;
    for(i=3D0; i<nl; i++) {
        norm +=3D al->coeff[i].value * al->coeff[i].value ;
    norm =3D sqrt(norm) ;
    __nlScaleRow(weight / norm) ;

void __nlEndRow() {
    __NLRowColumn*    af =3D &__nlCurrentContext->af ;
    __NLRowColumn*    al =3D &__nlCurrentContext->al ;
    __NLRowColumn*    xl =3D &__nlCurrentContext->xl ;
    __NLSparseMatrix* M  =3D &__nlCurrentContext->M  ;
    NLdouble* b        =3D __nlCurrentContext->b ;
    NLuint nf          =3D af->size ;
    NLuint nl          =3D al->size ;
    NLuint current_row =3D __nlCurrentContext->current_row ;
    NLuint i ;
    NLuint j ;
    NLdouble S ;
    __nlTransition(__NL_STATE_ROW, __NL_STATE_MATRIX) ;

    if(__nlCurrentContext->normalize_rows) {
        __nlNormalizeRow(__nlCurrentContext->row_scaling) ;
    } else {
        __nlScaleRow(__nlCurrentContext->row_scaling) ;

    if(__nlCurrentContext->least_squares) {
        for(i=3D0; i<nf; i++) {
            for(j=3D0; j<nf; j++) {
                    M, af->coeff[i].index, af->coeff[j].index,
                    af->coeff[i].value * af->coeff[j].value
                ) ;
        S =3D __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side ;
        for(j=3D0; j<nl; j++) {
            S +=3D al->coeff[j].value * xl->coeff[j].value ;
        for(i=3D0; i<nf; i++) {
            b[ af->coeff[i].index ] -=3D af->coeff[i].value * S ;
    } else {
        for(i=3D0; i<nf; i++) {
            __nlSparseMatrixAdd(M, current_row, af->coeff[i].index, =
af->coeff[i].value) ;
        b[current_row] =3D __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side ;
        for(i=3D0; i<nl; i++) {
            b[current_row] -=3D al->coeff[i].value * xl->coeff[i].value =
    __nlCurrentContext->current_row++ ;
    __nlCurrentContext->right_hand_side =3D 0.0 ;   =20
    __nlCurrentContext->row_scaling     =3D 1.0 ;

void nlCoefficient(NLuint index, NLdouble value) {
    __nlCheckState(__NL_STATE_ROW) ;
    __nl_range_assert(index, 0, __nlCurrentContext->nb_variables - 1) ;
    __NLVariable* v =3D &(__nlCurrentContext->variable[index]) ;
    if(v->locked) {
        __nlRowColumnAppend(&(__nlCurrentContext->al), 0, value) ;
        __nlRowColumnAppend(&(__nlCurrentContext->xl), 0, v->value) ;    =
    } else {
        __nlRowColumnAppend(&(__nlCurrentContext->af), v->index, value) =

void nlBegin(NLenum prim) {
    switch(prim) {
    case NL_SYSTEM: {
        __nlBeginSystem() ;
    } break ;
    case NL_MATRIX: {
        __nlBeginMatrix() ;
    } break ;
    case NL_ROW: {
        __nlBeginRow() ;
    } break ;
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;

void nlEnd(NLenum prim) {
    switch(prim) {
    case NL_SYSTEM: {
        __nlEndSystem() ;
    } break ;
    case NL_MATRIX: {
        __nlEndMatrix() ;
    } break ;
    case NL_ROW: {
        __nlEndRow() ;
    } break ;
    default: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;

/* BLAS routines */

 * daxpy
 * ddot
 * dscal
 * dnrm2
 * dcopy

#ifndef NL_USE_BLAS

typedef NLint    integer ;
typedef NLdouble doublereal ;

/* Subroutine */ int daxpy_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal *dx,=20
	integer *incx, doublereal *dy, integer *incy)

    /* System generated locals */
    integer i__1;

    /* Local variables */
    static integer i, m, ix, iy, mp1;

/*     constant times a vector plus a vector.  =20
       uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.  =20
       jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.  =20
       modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)  =20

   Parameter adjustments  =20
       Function Body */
#define DY(I) dy[(I)-1]
#define DX(I) dx[(I)-1]

    if (*n <=3D 0) {
	return 0;
    if (*da =3D=3D 0.) {
	return 0;
    if (*incx =3D=3D 1 && *incy =3D=3D 1) {
	goto L20;

/*        code for unequal increments or equal increments  =20
            not equal to 1 */

    ix =3D 1;
    iy =3D 1;
    if (*incx < 0) {
	ix =3D (-(*n) + 1) * *incx + 1;
    if (*incy < 0) {
	iy =3D (-(*n) + 1) * *incy + 1;
    i__1 =3D *n;
    for (i =3D 1; i <=3D *n; ++i) {
	DY(iy) +=3D *da * DX(ix);
	ix +=3D *incx;
	iy +=3D *incy;
/* L10: */
    return 0;

/*        code for both increments equal to 1  =20

          clean-up loop */

    m =3D *n % 4;
    if (m =3D=3D 0) {
	goto L40;
    i__1 =3D m;
    for (i =3D 1; i <=3D m; ++i) {
	DY(i) +=3D *da * DX(i);
/* L30: */
    if (*n < 4) {
	return 0;
    mp1 =3D m + 1;
    i__1 =3D *n;
    for (i =3D mp1; i <=3D *n; i +=3D 4) {
	DY(i) +=3D *da * DX(i);
	DY(i + 1) +=3D *da * DX(i + 1);
	DY(i + 2) +=3D *da * DX(i + 2);
	DY(i + 3) +=3D *da * DX(i + 3);
/* L50: */
    return 0;
} /* daxpy_ */
#undef DY
#undef DX

doublereal ddot_(integer *n, doublereal *dx, integer *incx, doublereal =
	integer *incy)

    /* System generated locals */
    integer i__1;
    doublereal ret_val;

    /* Local variables */
    static integer i, m;
    static doublereal dtemp;
    static integer ix, iy, mp1;

/*     forms the dot product of two vectors.  =20
       uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.  =20
       jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.  =20
       modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)  =20

   Parameter adjustments  =20
       Function Body */
#define DY(I) dy[(I)-1]
#define DX(I) dx[(I)-1]

    ret_val =3D 0.;
    dtemp =3D 0.;
    if (*n <=3D 0) {
	return ret_val;
    if (*incx =3D=3D 1 && *incy =3D=3D 1) {
	goto L20;

/*        code for unequal increments or equal increments  =20
            not equal to 1 */

    ix =3D 1;
    iy =3D 1;
    if (*incx < 0) {
	ix =3D (-(*n) + 1) * *incx + 1;
    if (*incy < 0) {
	iy =3D (-(*n) + 1) * *incy + 1;
    i__1 =3D *n;
    for (i =3D 1; i <=3D *n; ++i) {
	dtemp +=3D DX(ix) * DY(iy);
	ix +=3D *incx;
	iy +=3D *incy;
/* L10: */
    ret_val =3D dtemp;
    return ret_val;

/*        code for both increments equal to 1  =20

          clean-up loop */

    m =3D *n % 5;
    if (m =3D=3D 0) {
	goto L40;
    i__1 =3D m;
    for (i =3D 1; i <=3D m; ++i) {
	dtemp +=3D DX(i) * DY(i);
/* L30: */
    if (*n < 5) {
	goto L60;
    mp1 =3D m + 1;
    i__1 =3D *n;
    for (i =3D mp1; i <=3D *n; i +=3D 5) {
	dtemp =3D dtemp + DX(i) * DY(i) + DX(i + 1) * DY(i + 1) + DX(i + 2) *=20
		DY(i + 2) + DX(i + 3) * DY(i + 3) + DX(i + 4) * DY(i + 4);
/* L50: */
    ret_val =3D dtemp;
    return ret_val;
} /* ddot_ */
#undef DY
#undef DX

/* Subroutine */ int dscal_(integer *n, doublereal *da, doublereal *dx,=20
    integer *incx)

    /* System generated locals */
    integer i__1, i__2;

    /* Local variables */
    static integer i, m, nincx, mp1;

/*     scales a vector by a constant.  =20
       uses unrolled loops for increment equal to one.  =20
       jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.  =20
       modified 3/93 to return if incx .le. 0.  =20
       modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)  =20

   Parameter adjustments  =20
       Function Body */
#ifdef DX
#undef DX
#define DX(I) dx[(I)-1]

    if (*n <=3D 0 || *incx <=3D 0) {
	return 0;
    if (*incx =3D=3D 1) {
	goto L20;

/*        code for increment not equal to 1 */

    nincx =3D *n * *incx;
    i__1 =3D nincx;
    i__2 =3D *incx;
    for (i =3D 1; *incx < 0 ? i >=3D nincx : i <=3D nincx; i +=3D *incx) =
	DX(i) =3D *da * DX(i);
/* L10: */
    return 0;

/*        code for increment equal to 1  =20

          clean-up loop */

    m =3D *n % 5;
    if (m =3D=3D 0) {
	goto L40;
    i__2 =3D m;
    for (i =3D 1; i <=3D m; ++i) {
	DX(i) =3D *da * DX(i);
/* L30: */
    if (*n < 5) {
	return 0;
    mp1 =3D m + 1;
    i__2 =3D *n;
    for (i =3D mp1; i <=3D *n; i +=3D 5) {
	DX(i) =3D *da * DX(i);
	DX(i + 1) =3D *da * DX(i + 1);
	DX(i + 2) =3D *da * DX(i + 2);
	DX(i + 3) =3D *da * DX(i + 3);
	DX(i + 4) =3D *da * DX(i + 4);
/* L50: */
    return 0;
} /* dscal_ */
#undef DX

doublereal dnrm2_(integer *n, doublereal *x, integer *incx)

    /* System generated locals */
    integer i__1, i__2;
    doublereal ret_val, d__1;

    /* Builtin functions */
    double sqrt(doublereal);

    /* Local variables */
    static doublereal norm, scale, absxi;
    static integer ix;
    static doublereal ssq;

/*  DNRM2 returns the euclidean norm of a vector via the function  =20
    name, so that  =20

       DNRM2 :=3D sqrt( x'*x )  =20

    -- This version written on 25-October-1982.  =20
       Modified on 14-October-1993 to inline the call to DLASSQ.  =20
       Sven Hammarling, Nag Ltd.  =20

   Parameter adjustments  =20
       Function Body */
#ifdef X
#undef X
#define X(I) x[(I)-1]

    if (*n < 1 || *incx < 1) {
	norm =3D 0.;
    } else if (*n =3D=3D 1) {
	norm =3D abs(X(1));
    } else {
	scale =3D 0.;
	ssq =3D 1.;
/*        The following loop is equivalent to this call to the LAPACK=20
          auxiliary routine:  =20
          CALL DLASSQ( N, X, INCX, SCALE, SSQ ) */

	i__1 =3D (*n - 1) * *incx + 1;
	i__2 =3D *incx;
	for (ix =3D 1; *incx < 0 ? ix >=3D (*n-1)**incx+1 : ix <=3D =
(*n-1)**incx+1; ix +=3D *incx) {
	    if (X(ix) !=3D 0.) {
		absxi =3D (d__1 =3D X(ix), abs(d__1));
		if (scale < absxi) {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__1 =3D scale / absxi;
		    ssq =3D ssq * (d__1 * d__1) + 1.;
		    scale =3D absxi;
		} else {
/* Computing 2nd power */
		    d__1 =3D absxi / scale;
		    ssq +=3D d__1 * d__1;
/* L10: */
	norm =3D scale * sqrt(ssq);

    ret_val =3D norm;
    return ret_val;

/*     End of DNRM2. */

} /* dnrm2_ */
#undef X

/* Subroutine */ int dcopy_(integer *n, doublereal *dx, integer *incx,=20
	doublereal *dy, integer *incy)

    /* System generated locals */
    integer i__1;

    /* Local variables */
    static integer i, m, ix, iy, mp1;

/*     copies a vector, x, to a vector, y.  =20
       uses unrolled loops for increments equal to one.  =20
       jack dongarra, linpack, 3/11/78.  =20
       modified 12/3/93, array(1) declarations changed to array(*)  =20

   Parameter adjustments  =20
       Function Body */
#define DY(I) dy[(I)-1]
#define DX(I) dx[(I)-1]

    if (*n <=3D 0) {
	return 0;
    if (*incx =3D=3D 1 && *incy =3D=3D 1) {
	goto L20;

/*        code for unequal increments or equal increments  =20
            not equal to 1 */

    ix =3D 1;
    iy =3D 1;
    if (*incx < 0) {
	ix =3D (-(*n) + 1) * *incx + 1;
    if (*incy < 0) {
	iy =3D (-(*n) + 1) * *incy + 1;
    i__1 =3D *n;
    for (i =3D 1; i <=3D *n; ++i) {
	DY(iy) =3D DX(ix);
	ix +=3D *incx;
	iy +=3D *incy;
/* L10: */
    return 0;

/*        code for both increments equal to 1  =20

          clean-up loop */

    m =3D *n % 7;
    if (m =3D=3D 0) {
	goto L40;
    i__1 =3D m;
    for (i =3D 1; i <=3D m; ++i) {
	DY(i) =3D DX(i);
/* L30: */
    if (*n < 7) {
	return 0;
    mp1 =3D m + 1;
    i__1 =3D *n;
    for (i =3D mp1; i <=3D *n; i +=3D 7) {
	DY(i) =3D DX(i);
	DY(i + 1) =3D DX(i + 1);
	DY(i + 2) =3D DX(i + 2);
	DY(i + 3) =3D DX(i + 3);
	DY(i + 4) =3D DX(i + 4);
	DY(i + 5) =3D DX(i + 5);
	DY(i + 6) =3D DX(i + 6);
/* L50: */
    return 0;
} /* dcopy_ */

#undef DX
#undef DY


extern void daxpy_(=20
    int *n, double *alpha, double *x,
    int *incx, double *y, int *incy=20
) ;

extern double ddot_(=20
    int *n, double *x, int *incx, double *y,
    int *incy=20
) ;

extern double dnrm2_( int *n, double *x, int *incx ) ;

extern int dcopy_(int* n, double* dx, int* incx, double* dy, int* incy) =

extern void dscal_(int* n, double* alpha, double *x, int* incx) ;


/* C wrappers for BLAS routines */

/* x <- a*x */
static void dscal( int n, double alpha, double *x, int incx ) {

/* y <- x */
static void dcopy(=20
    int n, double *x, int incx, double *y, int incy=20
) {

/* y <- a*x+y */
static void daxpy(=20
    int n, double alpha, double *x, int incx, double *y,
    int incy=20
) {

/* returns x^T*y */
static double ddot(=20
    int n, double *x, int incx, double *y, int incy=20
) {
    return ddot_(&n,x,&incx,y,&incy);

/** returns |x|_2 */
static double dnrm2( int n, double *x, int incx ) {
    double d=3D0.;
    while ( n-- ) {
        x+=3Dincx ;
    return sqrt(d);
//        return dnrm2_(&n,x,&incx);

/* Solvers */

static NLuint __nlSolve_CG(
    __NLSparseMatrix* A,=20
    NLdouble* b, NLdouble* x,=20
    NLdouble eps, NLuint max_iter
) {
    NLint     N =3D A->n ;
    NLdouble *g =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, N) ;
    NLdouble *r =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, N) ;=20
    NLdouble *p =3D __NL_NEW_ARRAY(NLdouble, N) ;
    NLuint its=3D0;
    NLdouble t, tau, sig, rho, gam;
    NLdouble err=3Deps*eps*ddot(N,b,1,b,1);

    while ( ddot(N,g,1,g,1)>err && its < max_iter) {
    __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(g) ;
    __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(r) ;
    __NL_DELETE_ARRAY(p) ;
    return its;

NLboolean nlSolve() {
    switch(__nlCurrentContext->solver) {
    case NL_CG: {
        __nlCurrentContext->used_iterations =3D=20
            ) ;
    } break ;
    case NL_JACOBI_CG: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;
    case NL_SSOR_CG: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;
    case NL_BICGSTAB: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;
    case NL_GMRES: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;
    case NL_SUPERLU_EXT: {
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    } break ;
        __nl_assert_not_reached ;
    __nlVectorToVariables() ;
    return NL_TRUE ;
