[tuhopuu-devel] IRIX Tuhopuu gameengine crash

Carsten Wartmann tuhopuu-devel@blender.org
Fri, 13 Aug 2004 13:11:59 +0200

Kester Maddock schrieb:
> Hi Carsten,
> Then you need to use Python to load a shader, bind the texture uniforms, bind 
> your own uniforms.
> The Python reference has an example shader pair and the Python to load them.
> http://projects.blender.org/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/tuhopuu2/source/gameengine/PyDoc/KX_PolygonMaterial.py?rev=1.4&cvsroot=tuhopuu&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup

I tried this way, its all very new to me, so maybe completely nonsense:

	uniform mat4 MVI; // Inverse ModelView Matrix
	attribute vec4 vertex_tangent;
	varying vec3 lightvec;
	varying vec3 viewvec;
	void main ()
		// Transform vertex to clip space
		gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix*gl_Vertex;	
		// Create Tangent Space Matrix
		mat4 tangent;
		tangent[1].xyz = cross(vertex_tangent.xyz, 
		tangent[0].xyz = vertex_tangent.xyz;
		tangent[2].xyz = gl_Normal;
		tangent[3] = -gl_Vertex;
		vec4 lightpos = MVI*gl_LightSource[0].position;
		lightvec = (lightpos*tangent).xyz;
		viewvec = (MVI[3]*tangent).xyz;
		// UV Coordinates
		gl_TexCoord[0] = gl_MultiTexCoord0;
		// Vertex colours
		gl_FrontColor = gl_Color;

	uniform sampler2D colourmap;
	uniform sampler2D normap;
	varying vec3 lightvec;
	varying vec3 viewvec;
	void main()
		// Tangent space light vector
		vec3 lv = normalize(lightvec);
		// Tangent space view vector
		vec3 vv = normalize(viewvec);
		// Lookup normal
		// Scale & bias normal
		// Normalise normal
		vec3 normal = normalize(2.0*texture2D(normap, gl_TexCoord[0]).xyz - 1.0);
		// Compute diffuse lighting
		float diffuse = dot(normal, lv);
		vec3 refl = normalize(2.0*diffuse*normal - lv);
		// Compute specular lighting
		float spec = pow(max(dot(refl, vv), 0.0), gl_FrontMaterial.shininess);
		// Lookup colour map
		vec4 colour = texture2D(colourmap, gl_TexCoord[0]) * 
gl_LightSource[0].diffuse * diffuse;
		// light colour map
		gl_FragColor = spec * gl_FrontMaterial.specular * 
gl_LightSource[0].specular + colour;
		// Pass alpha
		gl_FragColor.a = colour.a;

import GameLogic

mats = GameLogic.getCurrentController().getOwner().getMesh().materials
shaders = [(mats[0].VERTEX_SHADER, vss),
	   (mats[0].FRAGMENT_SHADER, fss)]

#print shaders

for mat in mats:
	for shader in shaders:
		mat.loadShader(shader[0], shader[1], shader[1])
	# Set Textures...
	mat.setUniform("colourmap", 0)
	mat.setUniform("normap", 1)
	# Set MV inverse matrix
	mat.genUniform("MVI", 2)
	# Bind tangent space
	mat.bindAttribute("vertex_tangent", 1)

Am I on the right track?
