[spe.pycs.net] SVN, installation wizard, zope

www.stani.be s_t_a_n_i at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 5 20:07:00 CEST 2005


Thanks for your reactions. I asked for an account on
berlios to put up there a svn (as appearantly its
everybodies favorite, rather than cvs).
I hope it will ease the collaboration on SPE. I'll se
tortoisesvn (but windows only), as appearantly it's
more mature than rapidsvn.

Concerning shortcuts, I'm developping my own wizard,
to make the installation of SPE more user friendly
(for newbies) and to be able to optionally install the
plugins like wxGlade, pychecker, ... Also this wizard
will be probably a generic wxPython class for
distributing wxPython programs. It shouldn't take long
to finish. As wxPython is a requirement for SPE
anyway, it's more nice to use a more gui powered

I'll take care of the windows shortcuts, but would
like some Linux people to implement the Linux side, as
it is hard to implement something for a platform that
I'm not using. Please let me know if you are
interested to test the installer. Windows users are
also welcome, just to be sure.

Concerning Zope I would like to know what would be the
best newsblog zope product, something like pycs was.
Maybe Squishdot? I want that it supports RSS and
comments. Also the look should be customizable. Any
ideas? References can be the www.blender.org website,

Maybe I make a similar announcement on
python-list at python.org but than I would like it to be
a bit further to be more specific.

Reactions are always welcome.

Bye for now,

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