[Soc-2019-dev] Students - commit access and new project branch

Bastien Montagne montagne29 at wanadoo.fr
Mon May 20 21:29:08 CEST 2019

Dear students,

You have now all been added as members of BF Blender project on 
developer.blender.org, which means that once you have generated and 
uploaded your (public!) SSH RSA key, you'll be able to commit on 
blender's main repository. Please see 
https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Tools/Git#Commit_Access for detailed 

Once you have commit access, you'll want to create your own branch from 
master one, following that naming pattern: soc-2019-your-project (please 
keep it short).

Also if not yet done, please ensure you can build Blender on your system 
without any issue this week, so that you can start the coding period 
without any setup delay. ;)

Some more links to read in case you have not done so already:
* https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Developer_Intro
* https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Tools/Git

Do not hesitate to be on the chat often 
(https://blender.chat/channel/blender-coders), and get back to me 
(@mont29 on the chat) or your mentor(s) if you experience any issue 
while setting up your commit access or Blender build/development 


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