[Soc-2016-dev] Weekly update # 9, PBVH painting

Nathan Vollmer bitinat2 at isu.edu
Sat Jul 23 04:24:07 CEST 2016

Hello everyone,

This week's been a little busy for me. I've been getting ready to present to a research conference next week. I'll be gone from next Tuesday to next Thursday. 

Early this week I talked to Campbell and Antony on how to add the average brush as a default option in both weight painting and vertex painting. 

I've also been figuring out what I'd like to do with my extra free time, and I'm planning on adding the following features to wvpaint next week:
> Advanced Splash Prevention
> Currently, spherical vertex selection has the tendency to accidentally paint vertices in saddle point topology, and geometry that is very thin (like a cylinder). I plan on comparing the surface normal of the 3D brush location with each vertex's normal. If the normals are orthogonal or obtuse, don't paint them. As the normals become more acute, the cooresponding vertices take on more of the brush's color. 
> Smudge tool
> To replicate a smudge tool found in gimp or photoshop, I plan getting the direction that the brush is moving and using that direction to weight the blur of vertex colors/weights to a particular direction. 
> Cone tool
> Instead of using a spherical vertex intersection test, we'd use a cone intersection test, where the tip of the cone is at the 3D brush location and the direction of the cone would opposite the direction the brush is moving.

I have some sudo code for each of these features, and I think they'll help artists out quite a bit. 

Today me and Bastien were able to roughly figure out what was causing a bug that prevented vertices from being painted.  

So that's where I'm at this week. 
Let me know anyone has questions/feature requests!
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