[Soc-2012-dev] UI Tasklist Update

Jorge Rodriguez bs.vino at gmail.com
Sat Jul 7 10:00:42 CEST 2012

This week I took a break from other work to get things done with the
floating controls proposal before the midterm. I got it to display buttons
that the user can press and that are laid out by the current layout engine.
The implementation was actually not very difficult or intrusive to current
code. I also added a new feature to the layout engine so that the buttons
can be aligned along the bottom or center (vertically) of the 3D view. I
also added a userprefs option to allow the user to specify whether the
controls should go on the top right left or center of the 3D view, or not
display at all. Currently there are only three buttons corresponding to
GER, but later I'll be expanding that can be done with these buttons.
Eventually my goal is that any design a Blender dev may want to make for
the floating controls will be possible to create via Python. If you want to
check it out, here's the Bratwurst branch for this week:


I'm still dealing with a bug where if you change the userprefs option for
where the controls go it doesn't update until you hover over the controls
or otherwise force a window update. Next week I'll be focusing on bug fixes
and feature requests that have come in over the week.

Jorge "Vino" Rodriguez
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