[Soc-2007-dev] Sunday meeting absence: topics for discussion

Levi Schooley levischooley at eaglecom.net
Sun Jul 8 15:56:24 CEST 2007

Since I am not able to attend the Sunday meetings, the following
is meant to be discussed either in my absence during the Sunday
meeting, or using other means/times (irc, e-mail, or the mailing

Current project status:
I have a working (though crude) bevel modifier, including generic
derivedmesh/bmesh conversion functions. These conversion functions
do not successfully deal with custom data yet.
I have a working editmode bevel tool, including generic
editmesh/bmesh conversion functions. These conversion functions
properly transfer custom data, but the tool code itself (which is
shared by the bevel modifier) does not propogate costom data to
the new mesh geometry.
The bevel tool code uses the BMesh API, and as such, is only
loosely coupled with Blender. Currently, it only creates the
proper topology - the offsets are just to preview the topology,
they aren't accurate. Selective beveling is supported, but
non-manifold geometry is not handled and will likely crash blender
when the tool is run.

This week I don't really have many questions. The following two
questions were posted last week, but I was never able to discuss
them with anyone. They can probably be resolved through
communication with my mentor.

1. Which functions should go in which files? Specifically,
derivedmesh_to_bmesh, bmesh_to_derivedmesh, editmesh_to_bmesh, and
bmesh_to_editmesh. Or, does it really matter as long as I'm not
too far off? My inclination is to put them with the bmesh code.

2. Is it fine to have the main BMesh code in the blenkernel
directory/lib? If not (and I personally think they should be in
their own dir/lib), I haven't been able to successfully add them
to their own lib (I have tried), so I could use some pointers
about makefiles and such. This may need to be discussed with
Briggs (aka. Geoffrey Bantle, their author).

Also, I still have a few things to discuss about the interactive
editmode tool, but that can be done over the mailing lists when I
make the time.


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