[Soc-2007-dev] Friday status report

Levi Schooley levischooley at eaglecom.net
Fri Aug 10 23:43:07 CEST 2007

OK, this has gotta be quick.

The biggest accomplishment was getting the editmode bevel tool
working interactively. There were also a lot of little things like
memory leak fixes, bug fixes, and other improvements and changes.
Also, although it isn't working yet, I am well on my way to
getting a crude multi-resolution working.

What to do next week:
1. Finish multi-resolution (recursive beveling), refine, test, and
get everything cleaned up and stable.
2. Add beveling limit by angle to the modifier.
3. Try and pop in a offset tool to supplement the current ALT-S
behavior. (cross your fingers)


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