[Robotics] Feedback on MORSE installation instructions...

Herman Bruyninckx Herman.Bruyninckx at mech.kuleuven.be
Thu Jan 6 11:15:21 CET 2011

Dear all,

as a preparation of the "hack-a-ton" of next week,
I tried to install Morse on a "completely fresh" system, and not a fancy
modern one: a MacBook of four years old, with an Intel i915 graphics card,
and Ubuntu 10.10.

So, maybe you can use this feedback to update the current installation tutorial on
At the end of this message, I attach my "installation log", including
some remarks and feedback.

In summary:

- I succeeded in getting a working morse, in the simplest configuration,
   that is without the middleware or pocolibs, in about an hour or so.
   Which means the current installation guide is not bad at all :-)

- the current examples are rather "high end" already, both with respect to
   GPU requirements and complexity of the scene

Overall, I liked what I saw, but the experience also made me aware of the
fact that we will have to come up with a simple "hello robot world!"
example, in order to make the entry threshold a bit lower. This might be a
task that I like to set myself, if nobody else volunteers :-) Maybe we can
have a short discussion on the "hack-a-ton" about what would be an
appropriate as-simple-but-still-relevant-as-possible .blend to give new
users a good feeling about what morse is capable of...

Best regards,

Herman Bruyninckx

I followed the instructions on

The git stuff went without errors or problems. I updated ("git pull") an
older version of morse that I checked out a month or two ago.

My Ubuntu 10.10 does not have Python 3.1 installed by default. All I had to
do was to install the "python3.1" and "python3.1-dev" packages from the
standard repository.

The Blender executable I use is blender-2.56-beta-linux-glibc27-i686, that
is, the last one available from blender.org. I installed it quick and
simply from the provided tar-ball.

I spent some time in finding the right set of environment variables for my
system, which resulted in the following bash script:
export MORSE_ROOT=/usr/local
export MORSE_BLENDER=$HOME//blender-2.56-beta-linux-glibc27-i686/blender
export PYTHONPATH=$MORSE_ROOT/lib/python3/dist-packages

Note that the website says
   "export PYTHONPATH=$MORSE_ROOT/lib/python3.1/dist-packages"
but the cmake code installs in
(That is, "3" instead of "3.1"!)

The "$ make install" command had to be replaced by "$sudo make install".

Now, "morse check" returns without errors.
And I continued with the Testing:
" To test the external control clients:
     * On a text terminal, run the morse command
The result is that Blender starts, with the following text on the console:
"morse 0.2b1
Copyright LAAS-CNRS 2010
found bundled python:
read blend: /home/herman/code/morse/./scene.01.blend
WARNING: No module named yarp
YARP middleware will not work

That's fine, since I did not compile in the middleware.

The tutorial goes on as follows:
   "Open the Blender file:
but that file "tutorial-1-solved.blend" does not exist. I do see the
following files:
   action-4-2.54.blend         grande_salle-1.blend
   action-4.blend              grande_salle-2.5-kuka-poster.blend
   camera_calibration-1.blend  stereo_test-2.54-1.blend
All these files are rather huge Blender scenes (and they rely on a modern
graphics card, I guess). A simpler "hello robot world" example would be
nice to have, that is, without having to use middleware or cameras.

"Start the simulation P" -> not a nice result for my old laptop with Intel
i915 graphics card :-) But hey, morse works!

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