[Robotics] Code repository?

Séverin Lemaignan severin.lemaignan at laas.fr
Mon Apr 27 14:57:12 CEST 2009


Back on the repository question.

> Maybe we should put a bit more effort in "design" before such a repository
> is created. My personal suggestion is to think about where we want to go
> with this repository in the medium and long term, and structure the
> repository accordingly. I think that the "long term" goal is a complete
> vertical robotic software stack, comparable to the ones that exist for
> mobile telephony (Limo, Moblin, Android, ...) or for web services (the
> Apache ecosystem being a major representative). "ROS" from Willow Garage
> _is_ such a vision, LAAS' "OpenRobots robotics framework" is another one,
> so maybe we should see how the repository that we think of would fit in
> their code tree structures and policies, such that later integration will
> become easier...

I agree, of course. The problem is that I think it's pretty hard to 
figure out _now_ how all the pieces will fit altoghter (btw, it could be 
worthy of summarizing on the wiki the emails exchanged over the last 2 
weeks, since a lot of insightful ideas where expressed).

Herman, as soon as the project become a bit more precise, we can move 
everything to a better structure, easier to integrate into other 
robotics "stacks" (this idea of stack is extermely interesting, and at 
the same time, probably quite far away :-) and I need a code hosting 
solution now, to exchange patches and chuncks of (beta) code).

Concerning solutions for code hosting, I was a bit fast last time 
concerning what the LAAS could offer, and it appears we won't be able to 
set up rapidly a GIT repo with numerous external contributors (mostly 
because of the technical constraints of our authentification 
architecture). Till then, I've set up a branch on Launchpad (reusing the 
"OpenRobots" project I already created some weeks ago: don't take it as 
an attempt to cannibalize common efforts! If someone want to create a 
dedicated "blender-for-robotics" project, I'll be happy to move the code 

If you want to checkout/commit, first register on Launchpad, then add 
yourself to the "blender-for-robotics" team 
(http://launchpad.net/~blender-for-robotics), then install Bazaar (sudo 
apt-get/yum/... install bzr) and checkout the code:
bzr checkout 

(more details here: 

Currently, I've only put the few Python scripts I used for the 
Yarp+Blender little demo + the corresponding Blender scene.

By the way: does someone is in touch with ROS developpers? are they 
interested in the project? in some kind of integration? It's great to 
have Paul amongst us for Yarp, I'd like to have someone from ROS (or 
other middleware) to ensure, as you said, Herman, "middleware agnosticity".

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