[Robotics] Blender and academic world

Séverin Lemaignan severin.lemaignan at laas.fr
Wed Apr 15 19:01:54 CEST 2009

> But how do you see the way to follow to get this "simulated sensor"
> information from Blender to your real robot? Via (Python, C++) code in the
> corresponding "sensor" block in the Game Engine, or via an GE 'actuator'
> (because Blender then 'actuates' your external robot...)

Well my parallel mail should partially answer your question :-)

For our needs, Blender "actuates", as you say, the robot. For instance, 
I have a model of robot with a (Blender) parented to it, I grab the 
(Blender) camera output (via the OpenGL buffer), and I output it to my 
(external) robot software. It's basically an "always" sensors which 
calls a Python script (the ImageGrabber).

> Whatever we choose, the C++ additions to and from the GE blocks are a very
> worthwhile addition, I think. It was not very clear to me what the C++ code
> does exactly: does it open a "device driver" on the Blender host? Does it
> open a "TCP socket", or a similar "network"-like communication?

That my point with the mail concerning the middlewares. It's not yet 
very clear for me if it can be integrated at the C++ level or not.

I'm not yet able to do benchmarking of this image grabber example 
powered by Python, but I don't expect great results. C/C++ will probably 
be required to have correct performances.

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