[Orange-tech] drqueue sendjob

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Tue Jan 10 20:27:09 CET 2006

how does it work?

Usage: sendjob [-vh] -t <type> <job_file>
Valid options:
        -v version information
        -h prints this help
        -t [maya|blender|mentalray|bmrt|aqsis|3delight|pixie|light
nuke|aftereffects|shake] type of job

orange$ /Volumes/MirroredRAID/share/software/drqueue/bin/sendjob -t blender 
DrQueue - by Jorge Daza García Blanes

Error creating script file
Error registering BLENDER job from file: emo_hairanimtest.blend

i wonder what error there is..


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