[Network] Member Linking and searching member name

Dalai Felinto dfelinto at gmail.com
Mon Aug 6 00:13:21 CEST 2012

Habemus more bugs ;)
I tried to view another member profile and 'ask for a link'.

1) but after I clicked in asking for linking I got no feedback whatsoever
(instead of reading 'linking pending' it still says 'have you worked with
'Mr X'? If so ask for ...'.

So I clicked again, and still with no feedback I assumed that the linking
request was sent

3) but when I go to 'View my profile' I now see the request twice there.

4) and I can't delete the requests from there.

*) is not that I'm (very) narcissist, but I tried to search 'Dalai' in the
member listing and I don't get anything. The search seems to be working
(Mike returns Mike Pan). But just wanted to confirm if that's the case (the
member himself doesn't show up in its own search list)

**) actually I logged out and still can't search 'Dalai' :/

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