[Blend2cs-user] Mac OS X

Nicholas Romeo nicholas.romeo at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 17:11:28 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I am having trouble with blend2cs on a Mac using OS 10.3.5.  The new
cvs version is not endian safe so I am aware of the fact that it won't
work properly.  When testing it on the testit.blend file that comes
with blender (2.32) I get the following error:
blend2cs: Error while scanning '../testmap/testit.blend':
   tried reading variable with type ptr expected char[]
I beleive this is a direct result of the endian issue.

In reading the readme it is suggested to use the older version but it
fails to compile with the following error:
ld: Undefined symbols:

Any suggestions?

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