[Bf-webcontent] wrong search engine "hint" for "get blender"

marco ardito ardito at apiform.to.it
Mon Jan 18 17:44:13 CET 2016

I was doing a test search on the big G, for a test zip file, obviously 
typed "blender zip", and I got a result by the search engine, showing 
some  "hint" sections like

"get blender", "license", "download latest builds", etc.

those should be website sections "guessed" by the search engine or 
really index by a sitemap, somehow, afaik.

But, the "get blender" link, points to 
http://archive.blender.org/download/get-blender/index.html, which still 
allows you to download version... 2.68a from the old site... (even still 
working links!)

Could some redirect work, to correct this, if worth?


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