[Bf-webcontent] hi

liebundartig at freenet.de liebundartig at freenet.de
Mon Oct 10 21:16:01 CEST 2005

> From: john afolayan <jamsxz2001 at yahoo.com>
>     I am really intrested in joining ur program. but i
> am confused on how to get started. I'll apreciate if u
> can help me out.I want to learn how to do programing
> especially when it comes to making cartoons. 
>              thanks it's JoHN
--- original Nachricht Ende ----

Hello John!

First things first I guess you are wrong in this mailinglist if you want to learn how to use Blender, because this mailinglist is dedicated to the development of the blender3d.org and blender.org website, hence the name BF-webcontent!

Anyway, for learning Blender I suggest you should take a look at the tutorials:
or if you have no traffic limit, the video tutorials:

It would also help to download the most recent version of the manual for blender (at least bookmark this page!)

What now is left, is the word "programming" that baffles me. There is a way to alter the code of Blender, because it is open-source (see download page). Furthermore, you can enchance the functions of Blender via python scripting.
I guess you misplaced the word programing there and you meant something along the lines on "modeling" (creating 3D objects; not presenting your body partially covered with damn expensive clothes).
If the latter is what you want, then you should take a look at the text-based tutorials, mentioned above, they should provide enough knowledge to get you started. If there are still problems you could try posting at the elysiun.com forums, or ask at the appropiate mailinglist.

Kind regards,

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