[Bf-webcontent] Blender.org - Info Center - Using Blender - Tutorials - missing files from old blender.nl tutorials

liebundartig at freenet.de liebundartig at freenet.de
Mon Oct 3 14:13:32 CEST 2005

Hello bf-webcontent mailinglist subscribers!

Following is a copy of the E-mail I already sent to CompMan and IngieBee some days ago.
Till now CompMan did not reply, but Ingie was so kind to point out in her/his reply, that s/he has a "complitcated life with 3 children now... and I'll be back once they grow up and leave home". So I joined this mailinglist to suggest my improvements to the above mentioned blender.org subsite (see topic).
Unfortunalety, I found a topic started by CompMan, that stated her/his resignation ( http://projects.blender.org/mailman/private/bf-webcontent/2005-June/000877.html ).
Long story short, here is the original E-mail :

Recently I spend a lot of time for digging through the text-based tutorials
for Blender (see topic for a "path") and noticed that the majority of the
linked files of the tutorials from the old blender.nl page are not present
anymore on blender.org.
Not that this is a major drawback for the technique that are described. It
is just better to compare with the screenshots in the tutorials, if you made
everything right.
Anyway, if you are interested in those missing files, get in contact with me
via E-mail. I found most of them on the net, after a long and extensive

I would like to discuss this topic and how to proceed on this mailinglist.

Kind regards,
ps: I am the Sobek from "Vampire Slayer" and "International Online Soccer" (just in case someone knows these Half-Life 1 mods) and the "Milkshape 3D forums".

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