[Bf-viewport] 2.77 OGL requirement seems to break renderfarm job submission (possible?)

Adam Glick adam at renderstorm.com
Fri May 13 19:35:57 CEST 2016

Greetings from www.renderstorm.com !

This is *not* directly related to the viewport, but more related (*we
think*) to the new requirement in 2.77a for hardware-accelerated OGL and
any potential effect on spawning network rendering jobs in Windows.

Our render farm queue manager executes blender.exe -b at the command line
using Windows "createProcess()" function.

*Here's what we're passing to the rendernodes :*

CreateProcessAsUser( token, NULL, commandToExecute, lpSA, NULL,
inheritHandles, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, NULL, NULL, &si, pi)

*commandToExecute typically looks something like this:*

["C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\blender.exe" -b
Mike Pangpu.blend" -x 1 -s 4 -e 4 -j 1 -F EXR --python-text
renderstorm_blender_0107.py -E CYCLES  -P "C:\Program Files
-a -y]

*This works great for 2.76b and previous builds.  But we get the following
errors back from all Blender 2.77 network jobs now  :*

Fatal Python error: Py_Initialize: can't initialize sys standard streams

OSError: [WinError 6] The handle is invalid

***Interesting note**  We can paste our full blender command string into
the Windows CMD shell on one of the rendernodes and manually run the job in
2.77a with no errors at all! *

Maybe there's something else in 2.77 that's breaking our process, but our
best guess is the new OGL implementation...

Does anybody have any suggestions on how we might troubleshoot/remedy this

Thanks in Advance!!


Adam Glick,
VP, Pipeline Technology
760--818-3668 (cell)
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