[Bf-vfx] Getting Marker Size using Python

Peter Rennert mailinglists at rennert.io
Sun Mar 13 01:07:30 CET 2016


I am trying to export motion tracking tracks from Blender using Python. Is there any way of getting the size and maybe orientation of the markers?

I have found code to extract the location online, but I could not make my way to finding the size properties.

Any help would be appreciated,


my current code:
https://gist.github.com/groakat/e7d8394d57fd4d3fe016 <https://gist.github.com/groakat/e7d8394d57fd4d3fe016>

from __future__ import print_function
import bpy
import os

D = bpy.data

printFrameNums = True # include frame numbers in the csv file
relativeCoords = False # marker coords will be relative to the dimensions of the clip

proj_folder = os.path.join(bpy.path.abspath('//'))

if os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(proj_folder)) == 'blender':
    output_folder = os.path.join(bpy.path.abspath('//'), '../..', 'tracks/B_man/')
    output_folder = os.path.join(bpy.path.abspath('//'), '..', 'tracks/B_man/')

f2=open(output_folder + 'export-markers.log', 'w')
print('First line test', file=f2)
for clip in D.movieclips:
    print('clip {0} found\n'.format(clip.name), file=f2)
    for ob in clip.tracking.objects:
        print('object {0} found\n'.format(ob.name), file=f2)
        for track in ob.tracks:
            print('track {0} found\n'.format(track.name), file=f2)
            fn = output_folder + '{0}_{1}_tr_{2}.csv'.format(clip.name.split('.')[0], ob.name, track.name)
            with open(fn, 'w') as f:
                framenum = 0
                while framenum < clip.frame_duration:
                    markerAtFrame = track.markers.find_frame(framenum)
                    if markerAtFrame and not markerAtFrame.mute:                        
                        coords = markerAtFrame.co.xy
                        if relativeCoords:
                            if printFrameNums:
                                print('{0},{1},{2}'.format(framenum, coords[0], coords[1]), file=f)
                                print('{0},{1}'.format(coords[0], coords[1]), file=f)
                            if printFrameNums:
                                print('{0},{1},{2}'.format(framenum, coords[0]*width, coords[1]*height), file=f)
                                print('{0},{1}'.format(coords[0]*width, coords[1]*height), file=f)

                    framenum += 1

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