[Bf-vfx] Improving the 2D stabilization tool :: Updated against 2.77a

Ichthyostega prg at ichthyostega.de
Mon Jul 4 23:05:06 CEST 2016

m 11.06.2016 um 07:49 schrieb Sean Kennedy:
> I finally got a chance to play around with the stabilizer rework today, and 
> while it looks really promising, I was having an issue where it wasn't 
> working correctly. I made a video to demonstrate.

Hello Sean, and the others,

right now I am in the Hospital, had to undergo surgery. On my way to the better
now, but that might explain my silence meanwhile.

As I've pointed out in my other response, I am aware of the behaviour you
observed. It is not correct in some cases, but, as I wrote, I coose this
workaround, because this seemed the compromise with the least footprint at the
moment, i.e. it required only minimal API change.

And the goal is, to get the review ahead, isn't it?

So the main question is, shall we treat that as defect, meaning, that I should
extend the contents of my patch, including the then necessary changes to
compositing nodes, or shall we treat this as an incremental solution and proceed
with the formal review process, aiming for inclusion? Of course I am committed
to do what is necessary..


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