[Bf-vfx] Feature request: warping and morphing node

David McSween 3pointedit at gmail.com
Tue Sep 3 06:36:01 CEST 2013

This would be a great addition to the node toolset.

In visual effects work we use DSLRs more and more for background
acquisition, their drawbacks become more obvious.

For example their CMOS sensors exhibit a lot of distortion, referred to as
rolling shutter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_shutter this can badly
affect tracking reconstruction. I have often wondered if we could use a
warp tool to define rigid patches of an image and distort it back to it's
rest shape.
For example if you pan a camera quickly any vertical objects like telephone
poles bend to the opposite side. I would track the top and bottom then
define a region or band that needs to be rectified.

I have tried to emulate this with a UV distortion, (sourced from a regular
3d plane), but there is a conflict with UV and camera mapping, where one is
static in time the latter changes over time. The result tends to be a
pinning of the projected image, which leads to mis-registration. Also
distortion of the vertices in a subdivided plane can become tricky, trying
to parent hooks while retaining their own motion.

Perhaps a subversion of the new Plane Track node tool could be of help. It
already performs tracking and distortion across X,Y co-ords. Maybe we could
further alter its characteristics by editing that surface?

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