[Bf-taskforce25] Fwd:Button Layouts

Vilem Novak pildanovak at post.cz
Wed May 6 19:35:40 CEST 2009

 Hello, this discussion cought my attention.
 As others, I fully agree William's designs are very satisfactory
  in most directions, but bringing my 2 cents to discussion too:
What I somewhat disagree with is in this picture:
 I think the little browsers are really unnecessary if that kind of data 
 would be represented in outliner in some reasonable way. The problem with 
 such data lists is that their window is simply never big enough, and sliders 
 can just sometimes become very noncomfortable to handle. As example of this can
 be an
 emty materials list(1 - 3 materials on object) vs a loong list of vertexgroups
 with armature rigged mesh.
  This kind of design resembles 2.4x in following the paradigma of stuffing
 everything inside the panels. I propose to display everything like this only in outliner
 as foldable folders under the certain mesh/databloc.(materials, uv's,
 vertcolors,  vertexgroups aka weightmaps, tex-face groups,..). When the data get's clicked
 on-selected it display's it's properties in property window(not there yet?). This will
 change  greatly the readability of the UI, although changing the way it was in 2.4x. 
 Also,I thought adding data blocks is some thing "operatorish", and thus supposed
 to  be in menu or shortcut, but not in panels, where tweakable properties of data
 are, that's  just about the 'add buttons', other features  could be accesible true property
 window and through  outliner too(delete, rename...).
 Having things in 2 spaces can be sometimes much more readable than in 1 space,
 outliner even with  possibly bigger width could be extended to serve more purposes like that.
 If there is despite this the decision to make such list views, I guess they'd
better be actually  little outliners hooked up to some boxes.
 Of course, I respect all the decisions the devs make, since I didn't type a
 single line for 2.5 yet,  these are just ideas...
 vilda n. (aka pildanovak)

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