[Bf-taskforce25] Modifier Layout Proposal

Joshua Leung aligorith at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 14:09:24 CEST 2009

A few comments about this:
* If there are more modifiers than can fit into a single row, do you propose
that they simply overflow onto the next row?
* The idea about presenting all the possible modifiers able to be added as a
row of buttons is an interesting possibility. However, it might be
interesting to also explore categorising them, since most modifiers fall
into one of a few categories...
* Admittedly, I'm not too keen on the idea of having conflicting horizontal
vs vertical presentation orders, though if kept consistent, it might not be
too bad?

(PS: could you please not send mails in HTML format...)

On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Eclectiel L <eclect25 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Here is a mockup for Modifiers workflow that may also be valid for
> Constraints.
> Tried to make a drag-and-drop workflow, eliminate some redundancies, and
> seize
> as much vertical space as possible for crowded modifiers:
> http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/4234/modifiersconstraintswor.png
> Eclectiel.
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Wahooney <wahooney at wahooney.net>
> *To:* The Blender 2.5 TaskForce <bf-taskforce25 at blender.org>
> *Sent:* Monday, May 25, 2009 4:20:11 PM
> *Subject:* [Bf-taskforce25] Modifier Layout Proposal
> Some ideas were kicked about on IRC about a few changes that could be made
> to the way the modifier panel works.
> = Keep modifier settings in the modifier panel =
> Thomas added the beginnings of the cloth settings tonight, and although
> it's looking cool so far it pointed out a fundamental flaw. You are adding
> the modifier in one panel in Blender and you're changing it's settings in
> another?! That is quite counter intuitive to a new user and most probably a
> break in workflow for experienced users (I'm somewhere in between those
> extremes and it's grinding my goat already ;) )
> = Compact the modifier stack =
> The modifier stack can be reduced in total size by quite a bit actually. If
> the stack were represented as a list it can take up far less space and it
> can allow for a helpful mechanic: The user selects a modifier from the list
> and only those settings are shown, saving space and reducing some clutter,
> but we can also leverage the current advantage of having multiple modifiers'
> settings visible by allowing the user to select multiple modifiers from the
> list. The visible modifier's settings can be drawn in the order that they
> appear in the stack and that selection can even be locked by the user and
> saved into the *NA (DNA,RNA I'm not sure which :P), so a user can set up
> their environment to modify a particular object in the way that they need
> for the given object, ie. A setup with consecutive SimpleMods and SubSurfs,
> chances are if a user were going to animate that object the SubSurfs
> probably won't be touched and their settings should probably be hidden.
> Note: I know that a stack item can be collapsed into a smaller size, but
> sometimes that's not small enough ;)
> The list that holds the items can also perhaps have drag 'n drop reordering
> (allowing the reordering buttons in the current modifier system to take the
> boot) and display the Show/Hide buttons for Render/Viewport/Editing/Cage
> that currently reside in the modifier settings.
> That's all from me for now.
> Keith.
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