[Bf-taskforce25] RNA groups proposal, first alpha + patch

vekoon vekoon at gmail.com
Sun Feb 15 00:04:06 CET 2009

Sorry, there was a mistake in the readfile code that crashed the 
application. I updated the patch (same link).

vekoon wrote, on 14/02/2009 22.39:
> Hey guys,
> The API refactor is more or less finished. This is a first *working* 
> version of the entire implementation of RNA groups and everything that 
> was depending on them and followed. This includes almost everything I 
> suggested in my initial proposal with the exception of group filters 
> which are only partially implemented and so disabled in this first 
> release. I really wanted to include them already in this first patch 
> but couldn't find the time but I decided to release this first alpha 
> anyway so that there's at least some time span for people to try out 
> before next sunday meeting (tomorrow) which I'm not sure I'll be able 
> to attend but it's still relevant so there can be some discussion 
> about the whole thing.
> Now, keep in mind this is a _real_ alpha, meaning in the moment I 
> finished it I created the patch so it could be instable in some 
> circumstances and crash (for instance I think it could for objects 
> with material nodes? not quite sure though). Also for the same reason 
> there could be various glitches and misbehaviors and I already noticed 
> there are maybe some leaks that I'll hack down later on.
> The API modules themselves are pretty clean/polished (except some 
> places where I recycled code from the old implementation that are not 
> as clean) and although of course they're still in their alpha stage so 
> they're surely not perfect I tried to make them workable and sane in 
> term of readability. A part of the code that'll surely need to be 
> checked is the readfile/writefile one which I'm not sure I did 
> correctly and maybe I forgot something. Also some places because they 
> were just demo code in the end I really didn't pay much attention so 
> the code is not that nice especially in space_buttons where I left 
> some unused code like buttons_selection, that was the selection region 
> where it shows the selected objects: I didn't put that in as it was 
> really irrelevant in terms of my proposal, you can put it in back if 
> you want. Oh and I also noticed the area should be refreshed when the 
> window is created but these are all very small tweaks I can think of 
> later.
> What we have now:
> An API divided into 3 levels each of one depends on the levels it's 
> preceded by. The first level is the group cache, accessible through 
> editors/include/PG_cache.h and implemented in 
> editors/interface/pg_cache. This is just a big object where all the 
> groups are cached in relation to their properties so that groups -> 
> subgroups -> properties type of access is highly optimized and lowers 
> down the overhead of having groups as attributes for properties (which 
> makes RNA api a lot easier to work with). This first level only 
> depends on RNA which means the cache can be at the application level 
> (which is the same as RNA's).
> The second level is called group state. This maintains "state" 
> information for every group you want it to, like collapsed state etc. 
> and it's generally at the space level or deeper in the chain (and can 
> be persisted on file so that this state information is kept). This is 
> again dependent only on RNA but would probably be advisable to 
> consider it dependent on group cache for future purposes.
> The third and last level is group UI. This level is obviously targeted 
> at generating automatic UI for groups. Various options include the 
> idea of having also automatic layout where groups are displaced in an 
> automatic way (this is optional though). As of now they get broken up 
> in rows or columns at the height or width of the window (see code 
> below). This level depends on both group cache and group state.
> An example of how the API is used (taken from the space_buttons code):
> ------------------ CODE ----------------------
>    gui= PG_ui_create(sbuts->gc, sbuts->gs);
>    block= uiBeginBlock(C, ar, "buttons-block", UI_EMBOSS, UI_HELV);
>    PG_ui_init(gui, C, ar);
>    PG_ui_area_set(gui, 0, 0, winw, winh);
>     if (winw >= winh+PG_ui_max_size_get(gui))
>        PG_ui_flow_set(gui, PG_UI_FLOW_HOR);
>    else
>        PG_ui_flow_set(gui, PG_UI_FLOW_VER);
>    PG_CACHE_BEGIN_ROOT(sbuts->gc, ritem)
>    {
>        group= PG_cache_group(sbuts->gc, ritem);
>        if (RNA_grouprna_type(group)==GROUP_ROOT) {
>            state= PG_state_item(sbuts->gs, group, 0);
>            if (state && state->flag & PG_STATE_USE)
>                if (buttons_data_for_group(C, group, &ptr))
>                    PG_ui_draw_children(gui, ritem, &ptr, block);
>        }
>    }
>    uiEndBlock(C, block);
>    uiDrawBlock(C, block);
>    PG_ui_total_area_get(gui, NULL, NULL, &w, &h);
>    /* update size of tot-rect (extents of data/viewable area) */
>    if (PG_ui_flow_get(gui)==PG_UI_FLOW_HOR)
>        UI_view2d_totRect_set(v2d, w?w:winw, winh);
>    else
>        UI_view2d_totRect_set(v2d, winw, h?h:winh);
>    PG_ui_free(gui);
> ------------------ CODE ----------------------
> Now to complete this e-mail I'd like to share my "vision" on how a 
> possible final API could work. Note this is pseudo-code to make it 
> easier to understand. All of this is actually already possible with my 
> API although of course there are no py bindings for it.
> group1 = rna.def_group('ObjectUserinfo', rna.Group_Object, 
> GROUP_FLAGS, 'User Info')
> group2 = rna.def_group('ObjectUserinfoData', group1, GROUP_FLAGS, 
> 'Custom Data')
> rna.def_prop('some_flag', 'bool', group=group1, ..., 'Some Flag');
> rna.def_prop('some_name1', 'int', group=group2, ..., 'Some Name 1');
> rna.def_prop('some_name2', 'int', group=group2, ..., 'Some Name 2');
> rna.def_prop('some_name3', 'int', group=group2, ..., 'Some Name 3');
> item = pg.cache_item(group2);
> item.draw = draw_userinfo_data
> def draw_userinfo_data( gui, item, stage, block, x, y, w, h):
>    ...draw...
>    #return this to skip default drawing for the group
>    return pg.UI_STAGE_SKIP
> And this is about it. I was thinking about making smaller patches but 
> was too much time consuming so instead I made a single big patch. You 
> can find it here: 
> http://vekoon.googlecode.com/files/rna_groups_complete_0.1.patch
> I tried it with scons/minngw and cmake/msvc8 and it worked fine, then 
> I tried scons/msvc9 and it crashed but as of now I don't have time to 
> check why this happens so I suggest you use one of the other methods 
> (scons/mingw I'm pretty sure should work).
> Try the code out and also have fun exporting some more groups like for 
> materials etc. in rna_*.c files and see how it works out for you. In 
> the moment you export some group they should automatically show up in 
> the buttons window/properties editor (unless you set the group flag 
> GROUP_INTERNAL) and under the correct context (not all contexts are 
> handled yet though, like radiosity or sound). As I said there are 
> probably still various glitches or weird things you'll see but this is 
> mostly to get a feel on how it works and if it's actually usable and 
> blend nicely in the workflow. Then of course, after winter camp, when 
> all the new UI paradigms will be defined I'll rewrite the UI part of 
> this code accordingly and later we'll think about ways of beautifying 
> the display and drawing of groups.
> I think it's all, impressions and comments are welcome.

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