[Bf-taskforce25] const & Context!

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Tue Apr 14 18:10:15 CEST 2009


Especially drawing calls get const Context as arg for functions, but 
this messes up in cases... I tried to fix things for it, but in two 
cases there were severe issues;

- Python code, it uses C all over, should this become all const?
- the armature retarget/sketch code, to me it seems the C is used only 
to pass on a Scene pointer even...

I think we should be careful in passing on C for functions... 
especially once code isn't "Context sensitive" anymore, it can just use 
the actual args.

We should also pin down how/when C is 'const'.


Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation   ton at blender.org    www.blender.org
Blender Institute BV  Entrepotdok 57A  1018AD Amsterdam The Netherlands

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