[Bf-taskforce25] Panels, colours and such...

Andrzej Ambroż ambroz at list.pl
Thu Apr 9 12:28:56 CEST 2009

Michael Fox wrote:
> we will be using scroll bars, they are simple and at a glance shows
> there is more buttons and where roughly in buttons you currently are

I didn't emphasize how fast the proposed system is against use of mouse 
wheel/scrollbar with long lists of avaliable options/tools (check current 
Editing panel in Buttons Window). User have all groups of option/tools 
within eyeshot and one-click accesible. I use it with my everyday job 
software and it works like charm. Here's a fast preview: 
Besides my proposal doesn't exclude use of scrollbars - they're 
indispensable for sure for fixed (not collapsible) content.
Anyway after some deeper thought on the idea, I find it would have some 
troubles with fixed individual panels, so ability of pinning them isn't the 
best option. The point is to have appropriate panels unfolded by default 
(most used, user defined?).

Andrzej Ambroż
mob.:   505 495907
e-mail: ambroz at list.pl
g-g: 6042088

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