[Bf-python] Quaternion Question

Art Golf artgolf1000 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 4 16:12:17 CEST 2016


I am testing how to use Kinect for Xbox 360 to do motion capture, now I can capture BVH files and import them to Blender 2.77a successfully.

But Euler rotation has some issues when I turn around my body more than 180 degrees, so I use quaternion instead to test if it can fix the issue.

My quaternion is from OpenNI2 and NITE2 interface, it is left hand coordinate, the Z axis is opposite to OpenGL’s Z axis, so I need to convert it to right hand coordinate:

(w, x, y, z) —> (-w, x, y, -z) or (w, -x, -y, z)

Then I modified the BVH importer, let it import the quaternion data directly and set as keyframes, the issue has been fixed, I can turn around 360 degrees now.

But another issue appears, my quaternion data seems does not match Blender’s quaternion, all pitch rotations are inverse.

Any hint?


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