[Bf-python] displaying current scene fps in addon preference?

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 7 16:58:49 CET 2014


In an addon with preferences, is there a way of displaying the project's
current scene fps inside a box as default, instead of some fixed number?

This is the image of the preferences

The current code is this:

prop_fps = FloatProperty(
        name="FPS (Beware!)",
        description="Transcoded videos will have this FPS - \
                    this *MUST* be the same as your project",

The idea would be to show the result of this:

render = bpy.context.scene.render
fps = round((render.fps / render.fps_base), 3)

Just in case, full code is
addon is already functional.

thanks for the help!
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