[Bf-python] Addon registry

Jonathan Giroux bloutiouf at gmail.com
Tue Dec 16 23:58:15 CET 2014


I think that the addon management deserves a better place in Blender. Until
now, the official way to download an addon is to go to an obscure page in
the wiki, find a link to download a zip or py file, search for this file
from the user preferences within Blender... It's okay, but today people are
used to install apps from stores without worrying about technical steps.

I made a small proof of concept for such a store for addons. You can find
it here: https://github.com/Bloutiouf/blender-addon-registry
It basically simplify the download & installation, or removal, of addons.
It can also update all addons that have a newer version available. And as
some companies may want to keep private addons, it's possible to create
private registries.

As I said it's a POC. While it can stay an addon, I'd really like that you
(Blender devs) consider integrating this feature into Blender, so that my
plugin doesn't have to exist anymore. That is also why I didn't make a real
publication system: I imagine that you'll make a site like
https://addons.blender.org with accounts, addon staring, etc. and hopefully
addon hosting, because my registry just provides URLs to addons hosted

I'd be happy to help you make this ecosystem if you want to! Otherwise,
feel free to give feedback.

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