[Bf-python] BMesh API

Treyer Lukas treyer at arch.ethz.ch
Tue Apr 23 14:32:55 CEST 2013

Dear bpy Dev's

I would highly appreciate it, if the bmesh module could be extended with "bmesh.types.BMFace.'myProperty'/'myFunction' = 'myProperty' or 'myFunction'

It would allow for cleaner python code when dealing with BMesh as geometry generation tool. 
For instance: I would like to write a python definition "bmesh.types.BMFace.split(line)" or "bmesh.types.BMFaceSeq.remove_hidden_surface()" or a class "Surface" that is a subclass of BMFaceSeq.

Is there an easy way for this to be implemented? Or would it call for a GSoC? What are the implications of making BMFace not a final class?

Best, Lukas

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