[Bf-python] Contrib Addon Review: object_mangle_tools

Campbell Barton ideasman42 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 29 15:57:18 CET 2012

This addon is quite simple, it moved vertices/curves/shape key points
about randomly.

A similar way to do this without the addon is to use the displace
modifier with a noise texture, or use proportional editmode with
random falloff.

But Im still left trying to think of why you'd want this addon, just
moving verts about randomly seems a but uninteresting and not going to
give very helpful results for artists IMHO.

Maybe if we have an addon like this would you want to have some
options to give more useful results.

- operate on editmode selection
- have different kinds of randomization, possibly even use a texture
to randomize?
- perhaps change behavior based on geometry - dont add so much noise
on sharp areas of the mesh for eg.

I'd like to hear good reasons this is useful before going ahead and
moving into trunk.

- Campbell

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