[Bf-python] Importer and exporter for the m3 file format of Starcraft 2

Florian Köberle florian at fkoeberle.de
Fri Nov 2 17:08:29 CET 2012


together with a few contributors I created a Blender addon, which can be
used to import and export the m3 file format of Starcraft 2:


The addon does not just import and export the mesh data, but also a lot
of kinds of data which can be edited via custom panels.

Since it's not possible to create a new properties tab, we placed the
panels in the scene tab of the properties editor. The panels are called:
"M3 Animation Sequences", "M3 Animation STCs", "M3 Boundings", "M3
Materials", "M3 Material Properties", "M3 Material Layers", "M3
Cameras", "M3 Particle Systems", "M3 Particle System Copies", "M3
Forces", "M3 Rigid Bodies", "M3 Physics Shapes", "M3 Lights", "M3
Attachment Points", "M3 Fuzzy Hit Tests", "M3 Tight Hit Test", "M3 Bone
Visiblitiy" and "M3 Quick Export".

It would be nice if you could help us getting the m3 addon into Blender
since that would make it easier for users to use the addon.

Wiki page:

Project page:

Best regards,
Florian Köberle

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