[Bf-python] Determining Space under mouse.

Gert De Roost paleajed at gmail.com
Fri Jun 15 15:00:41 CEST 2012

Good day, a simple request, but necessary for my addon work:
I would like to have some means of determining which Space is under the
mouse pointer.  This for addons (like my FloodSel, EdgeTune and a possible
preselection highlighting addon) that become advantageously more versatile
and interactive when a user can divide several operations within the addon
operation over multiple 3dviews;  for this to work I need to calculate the
right edge screen coordinates for each 3d view and then check over which 3d
view Space user is with mouse.
As an alternative, being able to check absolute Space x/y position and
width/height would enable to accomplish the same goal.
I understand the "one Space per operation" paradigm might seem to work
well, but at least for some addons interaction on different 3d views might
very well be beneficial overall and since I am pro extra power and
versatility towards the script writer, I would like to again ask for access
to Space under mouse.

Kind regards,
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