[Bf-python] External Sequencer Scripts

Turi Scandurra turiscand at gmail.com
Wed Feb 29 13:36:53 CET 2012

Hello everybody,
this is my first message in the mailing list. I am a 2D animator and
movie editor, and in the last two weeks I wrote several scripts for
the Sequencer Editor.
All my scripts can be found on the tracker (Py Scripts Upload):
. A thread on blenderartists.org is available for each of them.
I am not a beginner programmer but not an expert either, and I
consider these scripts as (working) prototypes. Most of them extend
strip manipulation possibilities, in an attempt to bring to Blender
the same functionality of famous non-linear editors.
I am now writing to ask for feedback about the actual pertinence of my
code to the tracker, since these scripts are mostly simple classes
that could eventually (and ideally) serve as reference for Blender's
native operators. Maybe in the meantime they could be more useful if
bundled together and documented in a wiki page, someone please let me
know if this would be appropriate.
Thank you, have a nice day!
Turi Scandurra

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