[Bf-python] bmesh split face

INTERLICHTSPIELHAUS interlichtspielhaus at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 14:42:19 CET 2012


playing around with the new bmesh api

i can't split a face of a newly created cube in edit mode
with the following code

import bpy
import bmesh

object = bpy.context.object
mesh = object.data
bm = bmesh.from_mesh(mesh)

face = bm.faces[0]
v_one = face.verts[0]
v_two = face.verts[2]

bmesh.utils.face_split(face, v_one, v_two)

whatever combination of 2 verts i take
i always get one of two errors:

ValueError: face_split(...): one of the verts passed is not found in the
ValueError: face_split(...): couldn't split the face, internal error

thanks for any help
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