[Bf-python] Export multiple files

Ejner Fergo ejnersan at gmail.com
Thu May 19 09:23:20 CEST 2011


I am writing an export script where in some cases it makes sense to
export multiple files in one go. I had some success, but I'm not sure
if it's the best/correct way to do it. For one thing, I had to put
this to empty:

filename_ext = ""

and put the extension in the file write like this:

for cam in cameras:
    name = cam.name
    fw = open(filepath + name + ".chan", 'w').write

so I could get the names in before the file extension. Is there a
guideline for these cases? It seems the file manager is not really
geared for saving more than one file. What is the best way to do this?



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