[Bf-python] Cython, cycles and makesrna

Dan Eicher dan at trollwerks.org
Sat May 14 18:40:43 CEST 2011

I've been doing some experimenting with cython and blender and have
makesdna kicking out headers (.pxd in cython-speak) to wrap the cycles
C/C++ api so one can compile their py-code and import it into blender
as a module.

It's about 99% finished, just have to figure out how to work around
cython not liking using functions as arguments for C++ template
instances -- probably just a matter of writing a python class to
replace the Collection/CollectionIterator templates (...or get the
cython folks to fix it in their code).

Also would need both C++ getters and setters (currently commented out)
to be truly useful for non-exporter tasks.

Anyhoo, figured I'd throw my dog into the C/C++ api fight
[figuratively speaking, no animals were harmed in the production of
this post].


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