[Bf-python] GSoC BPy ideas?

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Fri Mar 16 13:42:44 CET 2007

Tom M kirjoitti:
>> 2) Python plugins: extend the plugin system (for textures and sequencer)
>> so it can call python scripts.  Maybe do something similar with the node
>> editor.  I keep forgetting what Nathan's PyNode stuff does, maybe it's
> PyNodes might cover some of that,

i think finishing pynodes (which includes making them to work for not 
only material nodes, but also compositing (iirc is not a biggie)) would 
be important. hopefully happens already before summer.. i suspect that 
with numpy support it might really rock.

so i propose developing pynodes futher, including adding numpy support, 
as a possible SoC project.

numpy support might be great with modifier stack too, ppl reportedly use 
it for geometry stuff too, but afaik much more complex to fit 
efficiently in the Blender architecture - i think (compositing) nodes 
would a be a good (relatively easy & straightforward) start with that. 
if the same soccer could add py mods and numpy there nicely too, well, 
nice :)

old info about simple image processing is at 
(also pygame was recently ported from the old numeric to that current 
scipy). i recently started using numpy via the surfarray thing in 
pygame, and am planning to port that realtime system to a blender 
compositing thing for more complex non-realtime usage, so have a 
somewhat vested intrerest in this too :)

> LetterRip


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