[Bf-python] Extending Blender's Python API: expandpath(), GetAbsolutePath(), Get('scenefile'), Get('scenefiledir'), image.filenameAbsolute

Campbell Barton cbarton at metavr.com
Tue Jul 17 15:55:16 CEST 2007

Hi, quick reply on these topics....
This would be good, though Id do a little differently

use sys.expandpath
ADD sys.cleanpath

cleanpath would deal with removing ../foo/../foo/.
and expandpath makes absolute.

 >   - Blender.Get('scenefile')
 >   - Blender.Get('scenefiledir')

Dosnt 'filename' do this?
and for the dir...

I find sys.expandpath(image.filename) is fine to pass on to the 
operating system or for pythons own file arguments, only bad thing is 
the ..//../ in the path but the OS supports that.

4) - Sounds like a bug- do you mean the icon in the image menu? should 
probably be cleared when python reloads.

Dietrich Bollmann wrote:
> Hi,
> I needed some functionality to get the absolute path of a texture
> image - and as I couldn't find anything and nobody responded to my
> posting ( http://www.blender.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=62764#62764 )
> I finally implemented my own method:
>   Blender.GetAbsolutePath()
> Example:
>   the scene file is '/home/dietrich/blender/scene/cube.blend'
>   >>> Blender.GetAbsolutePath('//../foo/bar')
>   '/home/dietrich/blender/foo/bar'
> Today by chance I found the function `Blender.sys.expandpath()'
> which more or less does what I want - but not as nice as my 
> function, as the returned path is not brought into the 
> canonical form (/.//foo/../bar/./ --> /bar/):
>   >>>
> Blender.sys.expandpath('//../.././/.///.././/../././foo//././/.////one/./two/../three/../../bar')
> '/home/dietrich/blender/yafray/textures/tiles/exp/../.././/.///.././/../././foo//././/.////one/./two/../three/../../bar'
>   >>>
> Blender.GetAbsolutePath('//../.././/.///.././/../././foo//././/.////one/./two/../three/../../bar')
>   '/home/dietrich/blender/foo/bar'
> I thought to create a patch with my new function but now don't know
> how to proceed...
> Different ideas are:
>   - leave my new function as it is (`Blender.GetAbsolutePath()')
>     probably not a good idea as there would be two similar functions
>     at different places
>   - rename my function to `Blender.sys.expandpathSimplify()'
>   - put my function into `expandpath()'
>   - give the function `expandpath()' a second facultative argument
>     which might be 'raw' or 'simplify' with one of the two the default
>   - make a third function `simplify()' which could be used to simplify
>     whatever path there is
>   - other ideas?
> What do you think would be best?
> * second question
> I implemented two new setting keys usable with Blender.Get() as I
> couldn't find anything similar in the documentation:
>   - Blender.Get('scenefile')
>   - Blender.Get('scenefiledir')
> The first returnes the path of the scenefile, the second its
> directory:
>   >>> Blender.Get('scenefile')
>   '/home/dietrich/blender/scene/cube.blend'
>   >>> Blender.Get('scenefiledir')
>   '/home/dietrich/blender/scene/'
> I this usable for others also and should I make it a patch?
> * third question
> My first solution to my problem - obtaining the absolute path of an
> image - was to implement `image.filenameAbsolute':
> Example:
>   with the scene file:  '/home/dietrich/blender/scene/cube.blend'
>   and the image:        '//../tex/stone.png'
>   >>> image.filenameAbsolute
>   '/home/dietrich/blender/tex/stone.png'
> which would result in the same as:
>   >>> Blender.GetAbsolutePath(image.filename)
>   '/home/dietrich/blender/tex/stone.png'
> Is this worth a path?  Or should people just use something like the
> second form?
> * a last question
> When loading a new image into a texture with:
>   >>> image.filenameAbsolute = '/home/dietrich/blender/tex/stone.png'
>   >>> image.reload()
> and redrawing the windows with  
>   >>> Blender.Redraw()
> or  
>   >>> Blender.Window.RedrawAll()
> The image preview window still shows the old image.  Only hitting the
> [Reload] button on the GUI or reselecting the images in the outliner
> etc. redraws the preview window.
> Is this a bug?  Is there some other redraw function?
> Sorry for too many subjects in one mail and thanks for your help :)
> Dietrich
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Campbell J Barton (ideasman42)

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