[Bf-python] Changing confusing python console start-up message

Ken Hughes khughes at pacific.edu
Fri Jul 7 20:27:59 CEST 2006

Was looking at bug report 4398 ("console message for python version 


The initial report was based on the user being confused by the console 

I'm proposing before the release we change the messages to indicate the 
build-in Python version and the installed Python version.  I've added a 
simple test inside init_syspath which checks the methods defined in the 
site module to determine the version:

      printf("Looking for Python installation... ");
      mod = PyImport_ImportModule( "site" );  /* new ref */
      if( mod ) {
         if( PyDict_GetItemString(PyModule_GetDict(mod),"addsitepackages") )
             printf( "found version 2.4.\n" );
         else if( PyDict_GetItemString(PyModule_GetDict(mod),"sitedirs") )
             printf( "found version 2.3 or earlier.\n" );
             printf( "found version 2.2 or earlier.\n" );
         Py_DECREF( mod );
     } else
	print warning.....

I also changed the "looking for" message to "Internal Python interpreter 
version".  I think at the very least we should change this.


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