[Bf-python] Submitted scripts and python versions

Kent Mein mein at cs.umn.edu
Tue Apr 4 23:12:12 CEST 2006

In reply to Chris Want (cwant at ualberta.ca):

This is just an idea I wanted to throw out there, but as the
maintainer of http://www.blender3d.org/cms/Python_Scripts.3.0.html
I think we really need to change the way scripts are listed.
I'm thinking it would be nice to have a svn repository for them.
(Yes svn vs cvs)

I think its really great to have one place to go to find all of the
useful scripts out there.  (Also you possibly get mindshare from other
developers on a given script, without having to ask someone hey could
you look at this and help me.)
(No need to worry about users sites going down/dropping off the face of the
As a separate tree and possibly download, more people can have cvs access
and just focus on scripts.
I think we need a structure for users so its easier for them to know
what version of blender do I need to work with this script.

I guess what I'd like to see is at the top level directories for
each version of blender we have, and a script would go into
the directory that is the latest version of blender the script works with.

That way its easy for users to get the latest and greatest stuff, but
also somewhat easy to find an older script that isn't maintained anymore
and figure out what version of blender they need with it.

Anyway what does everyone think?

I'm willing to do what we need to set up something like this if everyone
thinks its a good idea, and we can nail down the structure.


mein at cs.umn.edu

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